Best Nutes To Buy In The U?


Active Member
hey i live in the uk and want to know what is the best nutes to buy from a B&Q or somewhere like that??? :hump:


Well-Known Member
yeah there loads of hydro shops in the uk. wat you growing in, soil, etc.... im using bio.bizz.its organic and can't really go wrong with it. other hydro shops stock advanched nutrients which are meant to be wicked!!! just type in google hydroponic shops in your area..... starlitesystems is a good shop with quick delivery. alot of hyrdo shops have ebay shops online too! hope this helps!!!!!!!


Active Member
im growin flying dutchman pure they r in organic soil and and are 19 dayz old now and lookin good was just startin to think a bout intro some nutes in a week or so, how long would u say?


Well-Known Member
When you start to see the first signs of a deficiency its time to add nutes usually in soil, as far as I am aware this is the only method to go by using soil. Unless you get one of those soil tester jobbies that doesnt work very well.

If you want to get some organic nutrients for your soil though, earth juice is good but it does stink like shit.


Well-Known Member
I hear of lots of mg deficiencies when people use bio bizz, I have seen decent results out of it though, because that is what bigbud uses and his plants look really good.

I have used earth juice as an organic nutrient in hyrdo though, I still have a bottle of the grow but it doesnt react well with rockwool, too much nutrient remains in the rockwool and it turns all water muddy brown. However in soil or dwc I am sure that it would be really good, after the grow i am on now, i will be putting earth juice into all my dwc systems.


Well-Known Member
my buddy wanted to use it this next grow of his, i told him i wanted to read up on it first. im starting to develope my own opinion... and it is not looking to good so far, thanks a mill for the info


Well-Known Member
No it doesnt, you could quite happily use soil and chem nutes but it kinda takes away the point of growing in soil imho. If your doing chems why not do hydro.