Best Non-Organic Nutes for Hydroponics?


Active Member
I am growing an Aurora Indica Plant in a DWC bucket with an airstone & top drip.
I had been using "GH Flora Nova Bloom" for both veg & flower as recommended by some on this and other forums.
I like the simplicity of using just the one Nute, rather than multiple bottles of various nutes.
Unfortunately I got lots of brown algae within a short amount of time.
I tried "DmZone", but it didn't work for the brown algae.
After further research, I finally got rid of the brown algae with "Physan 20".
I was told by the guy at the Hydro Store that non-organic nutes are less likely
to develop brown algae in your hydro solution than organic nutes such as "Flora Nova Bloom".
I'm sure there are advantages to using organics, but if what the hydro guy said
is true that organics are more susceptible to causing brown algae,
then for me the cons of organics outweigh the pros of organics.
With that said, what Non-Organic hydroponic Nutes do you recommend?
i have a friend who is using The General hydroponics FloraNova Bloom and is also using the B.C. line of nutrients. the BC product has almost double the growth as the FloraNova. if you're looking for a well priced, non-organic nutrient, but with great results, B.C. products would be the way to go. also, get yourself some Humboldt County's Flower Hardener. it's kinda expensive but makes a huge difference. hope this helps.
:] say cheeese