Best movies to watch while high

grandmas boy is the dope...also check out zombie movies when your high, shaun of the dead, 28 days later, dawn of the dead remake (just want to shoot zombies on top of the building lookin for famous people, hiding inside a mall with all those free foods whenever im havin munchies, dawn of the dead 2 (makes me crack coz the zombies paired in groups), zombie land (woody and bill murray)...etc...chris farley movies, little miss sunshine???, pineapple express, war of the world???. i could list more but im to crank to think
i find porn to be the most entertaining thing to watch while high :D

have any of you seen the movie "Bad Biology"? dude, it was hilarious lol. i watched it while blazed and was laughing my ass off! as a little...taste...i'll tell you that the main character was born with "7 clits" HAHA!
i find porn to be the most entertaining thing to watch while high :d

have any of you seen the movie "bad biology"? Dude, it was hilarious lol. I watched it while blazed and was laughing my ass off! As a little...taste...i'll tell you that the main character was born with "7 clits" haha!

i watched movie called 'The Sphere" the first ever time i was stoned.. it was an A grade movie that got panned and went B grade, it had Agrade actors like sharon stone if i remember correctly nd a few more..
Anyways i cant remember heaps about the movie but it was trippy as fuck with this sphere craft they are living in starts to develop and communicates with the humans, and it eventually turns on the humans trying to kill them n imgine if ur pc started talkin back to u, then tries to kill u..
anyways watch it or wiki it, reccomended stoner viewing:joint: