Well-Known Member
I have watched many movies high but only some make me reflect on life and how fucked up life really is like why are we here and wat not...I'm telling you wen I'm high Ill make any of you think about the weirdest shit!!!! And its all true!!! I just made this post so we can all share those life-changing videos or movies!!! ANYTHING REALLY!!!!! lets not argue and lets make this fun!!!!!
First off is The Invention of Lying...I came across this movie on accident...PLS WATCH IT!!! IT IS HILARIOUS!!! This is the dude that plays in that stupid show Office on Adult Swim!!! This movie will really make you think and piss your pants!!!!!....WATCH IT NOW!!!!!! you want be dissappointed!!
Next is Full Metal Alchemist!!! If you don't watch cartoons or Anime you need too!!! You're missing out on life and some major details in life bc Anime are made by the smartest ppl in the world!!! MOST ANIMES CAN BE REAL TRUE STORIES and really get to you...look it up many ppl have cried off Animes bc they get so real!!! ANIMES are farrr better than any cartoon or tv show or any movie ever made...
This particular anime once you get too the last episode will really make you think!!! I felt like the moral of the story was DO YOU BELIEVE IN RELIGION or SCIENCE????
Personally, me and my girlfriend have talked about this and she who is so ALL ABOUT GOD evn after seeing this we both came to the conclusion that everybody in the world are story-tellers and stories have been passed down since the beginning of time and the further there passed down the more they get exadgerated and the story gets stretched not saying God isn't real but who really knows just keep faith alive<<----Which maybe the real reason religions were started in the first place((Just picture it--A group of ppl being tortured to death and to keep faith alive they believe that something or someone is out there watching over them))...Religion probably is something that is just meant to keep hope alive bc if everybody in the world thought that God wasnt real or whatever you believe in then LIFE WOULD PROBABLY become meaningless to most ppl...Just think about that...THE WORLD WOULD TAKE A TURN FOR THE WORSE!!! So we need those ppl that preach to us and keep faith alive to put fear in most ppls heart!!!! And Science is more logical and realistic you know!!! Like how GNATS APPEAR IN OUR PLANTS OUT OF NOWHERE AND ARE CREATED FROM OVERWATERING((GODDAMN GNATS IN MY PLANTS NOW))) just think maybe this all happened this way how scientist say it did THE BIG BANG THEORY!!!! I am pretty smart when it comes to logical thinking!!!! etc...Ill be here all night LET ME STOP!!!!
ANother ANIME that could really be a big religion!!! PLS WATCH THIS it'll make you think!!! This reminded me of when I was in Second Grade and our teacher had us all make up stories of how the earth was made and how the sun was made and I WAS THE ONLY ONE IN THE CLASS who sat in class all day bc I refused to write bc I really didnt know!!! THATS when this all started my whole thought process!!!! EVERYBODY else like good semaritans put god this god that but I knew alot about science bc I listened in class and had lots of older influence around so I knew that couldnt have been it But I also went to church from the day I was born((EVERY WED. THURS. SUNDAY. and trips etc((EVERYTHING))...But I still didnt know..
This story shows how we die and who could actually control us and there could really be paranormal activity out there and supernatural beings if you really watched this and paid attention!!!! I WATCHED THIS TWICE((once in japanese and another in English with my gf))...HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AND SUSPENSEFUL...
NICOLAS CAGE...End of the World enough said...HAHAHA
But this is based off a true story if you research it!!! MANY PPL HAVE RUN INTO ENCOUNTERS LIKE THIS!!!! The most recent story I read was this month a lady had wrote on a Paranormal site about all these numbers that started adding up!!!! How her Ex-Husband had died and the day he died and her birthday were all adding up and he was giving her signs he was ok and it all made sense and she had proof which was scary like pictures of his face on her cell phone of blurs THAT I REMIND YOU LOOKED JUST LIKE HIM!!!! And she had fell one day and it snapped the pictures by itself which is the bad part!!!
This is a pretty good movie!!!! This led me to start listening to crazy ppl bc if you think about they may actually be on to something and have good points SO I STARTED RESEARCHING crazy asylums and stuff and its some freaky stuff out there and paranormal stories!!!! LISTEN to us crazy folks!!! HAHAHA JK!!!! BUT really you may know someone like me who knows too much for there own good!!! I'm ONLY 18 and I FEEL LIKE THE GOVERMENT HAS SO MUCH TO HIDE!!!!
ESPECIALLY MASONS!!!! They might remove this post b4 I post it or anyone sees it...HAHAHAHA NO REALLY YOU THINK IM PLAYING!!!...
I hope I havent freaked anybody out!!!!

First off is The Invention of Lying...I came across this movie on accident...PLS WATCH IT!!! IT IS HILARIOUS!!! This is the dude that plays in that stupid show Office on Adult Swim!!! This movie will really make you think and piss your pants!!!!!....WATCH IT NOW!!!!!! you want be dissappointed!!

Next is Full Metal Alchemist!!! If you don't watch cartoons or Anime you need too!!! You're missing out on life and some major details in life bc Anime are made by the smartest ppl in the world!!! MOST ANIMES CAN BE REAL TRUE STORIES and really get to you...look it up many ppl have cried off Animes bc they get so real!!! ANIMES are farrr better than any cartoon or tv show or any movie ever made...
This particular anime once you get too the last episode will really make you think!!! I felt like the moral of the story was DO YOU BELIEVE IN RELIGION or SCIENCE????
Personally, me and my girlfriend have talked about this and she who is so ALL ABOUT GOD evn after seeing this we both came to the conclusion that everybody in the world are story-tellers and stories have been passed down since the beginning of time and the further there passed down the more they get exadgerated and the story gets stretched not saying God isn't real but who really knows just keep faith alive<<----Which maybe the real reason religions were started in the first place((Just picture it--A group of ppl being tortured to death and to keep faith alive they believe that something or someone is out there watching over them))...Religion probably is something that is just meant to keep hope alive bc if everybody in the world thought that God wasnt real or whatever you believe in then LIFE WOULD PROBABLY become meaningless to most ppl...Just think about that...THE WORLD WOULD TAKE A TURN FOR THE WORSE!!! So we need those ppl that preach to us and keep faith alive to put fear in most ppls heart!!!! And Science is more logical and realistic you know!!! Like how GNATS APPEAR IN OUR PLANTS OUT OF NOWHERE AND ARE CREATED FROM OVERWATERING((GODDAMN GNATS IN MY PLANTS NOW))) just think maybe this all happened this way how scientist say it did THE BIG BANG THEORY!!!! I am pretty smart when it comes to logical thinking!!!! etc...Ill be here all night LET ME STOP!!!!

ANother ANIME that could really be a big religion!!! PLS WATCH THIS it'll make you think!!! This reminded me of when I was in Second Grade and our teacher had us all make up stories of how the earth was made and how the sun was made and I WAS THE ONLY ONE IN THE CLASS who sat in class all day bc I refused to write bc I really didnt know!!! THATS when this all started my whole thought process!!!! EVERYBODY else like good semaritans put god this god that but I knew alot about science bc I listened in class and had lots of older influence around so I knew that couldnt have been it But I also went to church from the day I was born((EVERY WED. THURS. SUNDAY. and trips etc((EVERYTHING))...But I still didnt know..
This story shows how we die and who could actually control us and there could really be paranormal activity out there and supernatural beings if you really watched this and paid attention!!!! I WATCHED THIS TWICE((once in japanese and another in English with my gf))...HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AND SUSPENSEFUL...

NICOLAS CAGE...End of the World enough said...HAHAHA
But this is based off a true story if you research it!!! MANY PPL HAVE RUN INTO ENCOUNTERS LIKE THIS!!!! The most recent story I read was this month a lady had wrote on a Paranormal site about all these numbers that started adding up!!!! How her Ex-Husband had died and the day he died and her birthday were all adding up and he was giving her signs he was ok and it all made sense and she had proof which was scary like pictures of his face on her cell phone of blurs THAT I REMIND YOU LOOKED JUST LIKE HIM!!!! And she had fell one day and it snapped the pictures by itself which is the bad part!!!

This is a pretty good movie!!!! This led me to start listening to crazy ppl bc if you think about they may actually be on to something and have good points SO I STARTED RESEARCHING crazy asylums and stuff and its some freaky stuff out there and paranormal stories!!!! LISTEN to us crazy folks!!! HAHAHA JK!!!! BUT really you may know someone like me who knows too much for there own good!!! I'm ONLY 18 and I FEEL LIKE THE GOVERMENT HAS SO MUCH TO HIDE!!!!
ESPECIALLY MASONS!!!! They might remove this post b4 I post it or anyone sees it...HAHAHAHA NO REALLY YOU THINK IM PLAYING!!!...
I hope I havent freaked anybody out!!!!