Best movies on shrooms?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Im going to be eating a fairly large dose of shroomies alone tonight, i know i will get to the point where my mind cant keep up with my thoughts, and the visuals are giong to become too intense for me to do much of anything but sit and watch something.

I was wondering if anyone has some cool movie suggestions. Not looking for a stupid funny movie, looking for one with a good message, some humor... not much sadness, though i do like action. I was thinking about the matrix or lord of the rings, but ive seen those so many times already. Let me know dudes and dudettes, thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I watched star wars on shrooms (although I don't remember which one because it seemed like it was all of them at the same time) and it was pretty crazy. I also saw Team America world police when I was on lucy and it was a blast. I bet Sin City would be sick too! Have a nice trip


bud bootlegger
i saw natural born killers with woody harrelson in the theatres tripping my face off on some lsd and it was a very trippy flict.. pretty much any movie directed by quinten tarintino will freak you out a bit.. he's definitely got it going on when it comes to watching his movies while effed up imo..

hmm, what else.. any harry potter movie would probably be pretty killer as well...

shit, watch requiem for a dream. one of my favorite movies of all time, and it would be awesome on shrooms again imo.. talk about a good message.. drugs are bad. mmkay?? lol..

fuck, what about that one with johnny deep?? the hunter s thompson movie.. wtf is it called again?? something something las vegas, lol.. that's got to be made to see on drugs right??


bud bootlegger
fear and loathing in las vegas ^^^^^
lol, yah, something something las vegas like i said, lmao.. i'm feeling a bit burnt out tonight.. i couldn't think of natural born killers at first either, but it came to me before i ended me post and i changed it, lol..

i've never seen fear and loothing though, if you can believe that shit...

know what else is pretty good to see fucked up?? that shit with marky mark as the porn star dirk diggler.. again, i can't think of the fucking name of it, but i saw it one k one night and it was pretty groovy, lol..
boogie nights, came to me again. .. :)


bud bootlegger
oh shit, here's another oldie but a goodie imo.. drugstore cowboys.. it's got a few really trippy effects in it.. everytime matt dillion shoots up, he gets some pretty crazy visuals that would surely be awesome on shrooms..


Well-Known Member
Any Marx brothers movie will do. Other than that, I can't comprehend anyone watching a movie with a plot and lots of dialog on mushrooms, I mean, why let some director and a square screen limit your entire awareness for 2 hours? Seems to me the antithisis of what this experience is all about - consumerism, the hollywood machine, cookie cutter movies created for mindless viewers to escape their soulless lives for a few hours. Then you take a drug that demands non-conformity of every pore and attempt to conform? Makes no sense. If anything watch something totally non-movie, something constantly, highly visual and accompany it with your own music.


Well-Known Member
I'll second everything that racerboy suggested, with the caveat that NBK should not be watched with cop killers with narrcasistic personalities unless you are extremely experienced.
Fear and Loathing is so much better on drugs, it's like they're tripping with you. Amazingly Terry Gilliam never dropped acid.
Drugstore Cowboy might be a little disturbing if you don't have experience with hard drugs. But it's so good. Apparently during the filming a pharmacy was robbed and the cops ignored the calls because they thought people were calling about the movie.


Well-Known Member
I watch the mountains grow out my window . Pet my dogs alot and smoke like ounces of heddies;)
Fear an loathing or the big lebowski both turned off before the end are both amusing and liberating once switched off and remembered!!


bud bootlegger
I'll second everything that racerboy suggested, with the caveat that NBK should not be watched with cop killers with narrcasistic personalities unless you are extremely experienced.
Fear and Loathing is so much better on drugs, it's like they're tripping with you. Amazingly Terry Gilliam never dropped acid.
Drugstore Cowboy might be a little disturbing if you don't have experience with hard drugs. But it's so good. Apparently during the filming a pharmacy was robbed and the cops ignored the calls because they thought people were calling about the movie.
that's a great fact about dsc's duck.. too funny..
believe it or not, i was in a detox and we sat around all day and watched movies.. one girl sent home and her mom's brought in drugstore cowboy's.. it's a real treat watching while kicking, lemme tell you, lol...
i'll never put a hat on a bed again though.. :)


Well-Known Member
Kung Fu Hustle! I watched The Matrix at the theatre on 3 doses. That was interesting to say the least. I would recommend Inception as well, the Fountain was cool as well on Shrooms.

jessy koons

New Member
Wizard of Oz.

I've done that and was thoroughly entertained. The flying monkeys were very creepy but everything else was fantastic. I watched it with a friend who also ate mushrooms but he spent most of the time peering beneath the couch trying to make friends with a nasty, dog-slobered tennis ball that had rolled under.


Well-Known Member
that's a great fact about dsc's duck.. too funny..
believe it or not, i was in a detox and we sat around all day and watched movies.. one girl sent home and her mom's brought in drugstore cowboy's.. it's a real treat watching while kicking, lemme tell you, lol...
i'll never put a hat on a bed again though.. :)
I couldn't watch that while kicking. Those oxymorphone shots look so good.

Seriously. It's almost all visuals. Nothing to follow storyline wise. Just mind-blowing natural phenomena after mind-blowing natural phenomena, filmed around the world with an HD camera.

It is THE tripping movie. You don't even have to pay attention consistently to enjoy it. But you probably will, because it's that awesome.
Or, if you want a serious mind fuck, I dare you to watch Enter The Void while shrooming.

If you like anime, best tripping anime ever is Evangelion... I would watch the two movies; Evangelion: Death and Rebirth, followed by End Of Evangelion.

Really, which way you go with it would depend on what your trip is like/what part of the trip you're on. If you're going to try to put on movies while peaking, stick to non-linear stuff like Baraka or maybe Waking Life. If you're going to wait until you're mind-fucked and surrendered, any of the others I mentioned...