best medium for clones (soil grow)?


Well-Known Member
Just finished a grow that went bad due to lack of attention, a failed attempt at a homemade hydro system, and hermies.

after a 3 month break, I'm starting up again. just ordered some seeds from attitude, Giga Bud.

anyways, yea the questions pretty simple, whats the best medium for clones? I used to use rockwool, but people say bad things about it due to pH levels of the rockwool. I personally also had low success rates with it.

Whats something else I could use to stick my cuttings in, and after they root, be able to transplant directly into soil, without having to pull out the cutting and damage the roots.


Well-Known Member
Rockwool is the best, just make sure to adjust the pH in water before you use them (like the instructions say - but everyone forgets).


Well-Known Member
i always go with rockwool with excellent results. or if u could just put in some soil if you really want to. I always end up running out of rockwool most time when i do my cuttings and i sometime put 10+ cuttings in soil, and i have no problems.