Best lights


Well-Known Member
what is the best COMMON type of light i should use? So far Im only using one bulb and im using a standard 100 watt florescent, but with them getting bigger i wanna make sure they get enough light.

what is high enough wattage to not overhaul my electrical bill, but still give decent amount of light to my daisies.


Active Member
well i haven't actually started my garden but what i am going to purchase next week is a Metal halide light for veg and a hps for flowering.
Did u know that home depo has cfls. they have them colored greed red and blue. green is daylight and i heard somone from the UK recommending the Green Daylight Money savers. when u walk into homedepo, these will most likely be the florescent bulbs they show u.


Active Member
Ok so u understand spectrums right ? Use a Florescent that say "cool white" on it, also look at the Kelvin's it produces. Blue spectrum is at 6000 or higher 7000.

Blue spectrum is used for the Veg period. this is mostly when ur plant is just a small green stick, up till u can just about tell its sex.

The Flowering stage is next. Use Warm/Red spectrum. this is when the light period goes from 24/24 to 12/12 hrs of light each day. I've Heard Alot of good things about HPS lights here. kelvins for red spectrum i believe are about 3000. You can find florescents that are red spectrum. Thats the easy one to get.


Well-Known Member
best lights i`ve used for veg other than mh is 42 watt phillips daylight cfl. it has 7500k and about 2780 lumens or 20 watt phillips natural sun flouro`s dont have the spec`s handy i`ll look them up and post. all are avaliable at home depot. flouo`s are bout 7.50$ each and the cfl`s are bout 15.00$ each in cdn $.