Best efficency for time/energy consumtion/yeild

As the title states I am a long time grower of a 2x3x7 grow room with a 400w that I've been using to house 1 plant that was started from seed. Right now I am in the process of building a 4x4x7 flower room that I want to put a 600w hps in and also fit the room with a 6 site R DWC.

I will be using an 8 week strain so that would give me the opportunity to harvest every 2 months if done right, I am just not sure how I would go about it and thats where you guys come in! Should I build another room for a mother/clone and once rooted move them into a veg room until the desired age/height and transfer them into flower? Should I just use my 2x3x7 and split it in half veg on bottom and clones/mother on top or vice versa?

Just not sure haha, I am like a kid in a candy store searching my next best system that I am overwhelmed.


Staff member
102 views is not accurate just an fyi :p i dunno why it does that only 4 people have read the thread try to be a bit more patient is sunday , pretty slow day also holiday weekend for some


Well-Known Member
I would build a separate space for you mothers and clones...
You can always use more room..

When I started moving towards growing mj indoors... I bought a large armoire, gutted it out, added flanges, etc.
I got it setup to flower plants in... A year or two later I was using that armoire to dry my indoor crops.

With just a small amount of success, you'll quickly want to expand.. trust me.


Well-Known Member
Also, with height... it is good to leave extra room above your plants... The warmer air will hang out higher in your space.
You might want to get into some tall plants... who knows... You can always use extra space. If you have the room, build a new space for the mothers and cuts. It will be easier to control the different light periods as well.

Does that answer your question? If not, shoot,