best diy mini split that can cool in low temps?

any recommendations on a 3 ton unit?

pioneer can run at 5°F
mr cool can run at 5°F
perfect air doesnt say
senville can run at 5°F

ive never installed a mini split, but i am pretty handy and have electrical experience. i have worked on cars and pulled a vaccum on a cars a.c, i dont think this should be too hard

apologies if i offend any hvac peoples, as a tradesman myself ik alot of people who diy are hacks. however there are plenty that arent, and the reason you dont know about them is because they dont need to call you for there service
i had no issues with mr cools shipping bought it on amazon i paid for freight i picked up my split on a pallet at a loading dock they put it in the box of my truck for me. i asked for the option of pickup otherwise it gets dropped off at your address plan to have another person with you to lift the boxes with you after opening the crate.
I installed a Mr cool diy 12k earlier this year. I have no HVAC or electrical training and it was pretty easy. It is serving me well. I didn't have to pull a vacuum.

An HVAC buddy of mine said it would never work and I would need a professional. You are right about offending the pros
5°F, was the best i could find without spending huge money. so its the same spec as a mr cool, hopefully pioneer is a better brand because mr cool has terrible customer support from what i read
They rarely break
Keeping the outside coil clean and minor indoor filter maintenance
Good luck
i have installed 3 minisplits and 1 regular heat pump/split system made by pioneer and the minisplits perform flawlessly for me. i have seen them maintain efficiency when outside temps dropped in the teens. for price vs features its hard to beat Pioneer
I have 2 mr cool diy and one senville diy. All 36k units. And the Mr Cool is the better unit. Just works better and better quality lineset.

I live in Northern Mi, we have been under 5 degrees a lot and no problems. Of course I have my units elevated off the ground and they have lattice to block the wind.

I really like the mr cool units and plan on buying more. I found a hardware store less than an hour away that has them in stock so I don’t have to mess with ordering on internet.
My Perfect Aire DIY 3 Ton mini split was heating & cooling this winter at as low as -10 °F with zero issue. Purchased from HVACDirect I had an issue with a remote they sent me and I had a new one within 3 days free. Perfect Aire has great customer service and so does HVACDirect. I bought mine a couple years ago now so I'm sure they have even better units available now.

I've heard really good things about the MR Cool 3rd & 4th Generation units.

Even though I'm a licensed grower I like DIY so I don't have a bunch of people knowing I'm growing weed.