Best Conditions for Germination?


Just wondering what you guys do with the seeds to get em sprouting...

Ive got mine soaked in a paper towel in a my bed :neutral: on like day 5!!! A little help pleaseee kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
This way has been 100 percent right on the money for me:

Clean shot glass with tap water, drop bean in, dip with finger.
Cover shot class with coffee mug for 24 hours, check to see if bean dropped to bottom.
Bean is ready to plant when it stays on the bottom of the shot glass.

Illegal Smile

I float a seed in water for 12 hrs then put it under damp paper towels on a plate with another plate covering it. All this in a dark warm place, the cupboard over a fridge works well. keep the towel damp but not soaking. Older seeds take longer to germ and many seeds never do.


Well-Known Member
"Soaked" is probably a bad thing, you just want it moist, humid. I put between 2 papertowels then spray with a spray bottle. The the papertowel between 2 plates and put on top of cable box.