best christmas movie to watch stoned


Well-Known Member
whats your favorite christmas movie to watch while smoking out??

i think my choice would have to be christmas vacation


Well-Known Member
hell yeah, that shit was on last weekend. I actually watched the first santa clause movie too, tim allen is pretty funny even though its a kids movie.


Well-Known Member
nice, jingle all the way was on earlier and it was great!! Anything with arnold in it is great while toking.


Well-Known Member
thats the first one posted man, it is a classic!
wooow... i read tht shit too... by the time i got to the bottom i fuckin forgot lol.... the funniest part is when the dad gets the subscription for the jelly of the month club... then he cusses for 5 min :hump:


Active Member
Okay this might be far fetched but you have to watch the original cartoon Grinch baked! Comedy, Action, and a wonderfully good story hahah!
That being said if you ever want to upgrade to shrooms... You must watch the new Grinch with Jim Carrey! Guys I tripped so hard I thought we were in Whoville!


Well-Known Member
thats right, die hard is kind of a christmas movie.

I remember watching the old rudolph movie on mushrooms about 3 years ago and the abominable snow man was freakin me out