Best and most reliable vacuum pump for purging


I started this thread because i bought a pump and it does not hit full vacuum. Pro runners please help us noobs on what pump to buy!
I use a master cool 6 cfm single stage. But I think I like my old pump better its a mastercool 3 cfm 2 stage what size purge chamber u have
And i bought a 5 cfm 2 stage pump about 2 weeks ago and am already looking for a new pump cuz it only gets to 27.8 -28.2 hg
Um not really a method actually dnt really check. If I think I have a leak I will just redo all seals.......if anyone does have a exact method for doing it would like to know
If you spray alcohol or acetone at the suspected leaks, the vacuum gauge will show a rise when it sucks them in.

I like our 5 year old CPS 6.2 cfm single stage. It has never missed a beat and we have used it for many different experiments, besides its duty operating a Terpenator or vacuum oven.
can you explain why exactly the gauge sees a rise when it sucks alcohol in?

We used acetone in vacuum casting and heat treat industry, but when the liquid is sucked into the vacuum, it boils and expands rapidly. That causes the vacuum gauge reading to rise.
so youre saying that under 27.5" which is my max, if I poured a splash of everclear on my lid around the fittings, if there were a leak, my gauge would go above 27.5?
so youre saying that under 27.5" which is my max, if I poured a splash of everclear on my lid around the fittings, if there were a leak, my gauge would go above 27.5?

If the gauge is reading -25" Hg, and the solvent is sucked into the chamber, the vacuum gauge reading should change to read something between 20 and 25" Hg. In this case zero being atmospheric pressure and -29.92" Hg being full vacuum.
I would give a try. I have personally only used acetone for the leak test, but ostensibly any high vapor pressure solvent would work.