Bent crazy stem on Mr. Nice Critical Mass. Deformity?


Well-Known Member
Never seen this before. Two Mr Nice Critical Mass of 10 have this. Killing Fields were germd and grown all the same and do not show it.
Looks like maybe the stem collapsed, then sort of recovered and turned back up. Anyone seen this and know the cause?
At the point of the bend, the stem is really thin. not rounded, flat.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should bury that all, and leave the top out of the soil, or when it gets a little bit older bury it? Not sure if it would be better to do it now, or later, but that would be interesting seeing roots out of that, and how it would grow.

Bury the thinner of the two, and leave the stronger one to grow.


Well-Known Member
Maybe just leave it 4 now give it sum support and like Psuedo said try to replant it just below the 1st set of leaves. Or try to straighten it out without breaking it then replant it.


Well-Known Member
I'm not too worried about getting a plant out of them. The others will get what was needed. I'm gonna just let it grow for a while and see what happens.

Seeing as the stem is pinched, i am wondering if it will form a knot, like an older plant does at a damaged spot of a stem. We'll see. Seeing as 2 out of 10 Critical Mass have it and 0 of the KF... it has to be at least partially a genetic thing.


Well-Known Member
I didn't llook that closely. That makes 3 critical mass with the funky stem.

Just started to germ 4 more to make up for the loss. Damn. So curious as to what this is from. It's gotta be genetic.


Well-Known Member
So, they are just falling over, one by one. 5 are now bent over. The other 5 have a kink in them, probably will have fallen over by tmrw.

Man, this is a really bad impression I am getting of Mr Nice for my first try. I know my beloved Super Silver Haze Plants from Beanho are of Mr Nice stock. But this sucks.

I would be open to the idea of myself being at fault, but I have 10 Killing Fields growing right along them, germed at the same time and everything, they are looking perfect.


Active Member
I had one do that because of my lights before. I didn't have enough blue spectrum light and they stretched out because of it. I did exactly what the first guy said. I just filled the pot with enough coco to go over the little twist and left the loop under the coco. It started growing properly and turned out fine. I put the seedlings under a more blue spectrum bulb and they stopped stretching and bushed out a little. The way I understand it, they think the light isn't hitting the leaves either from other plants or soil blocking the light to the leaves so they stretch up towards the light in an attempt to reach a brighter area. Genetics play a large roll in how plants grow, some plants grow blue buds, purple buds, some flower in 8 weeks some in 13 weeks, some have fat leaves thin leaves, etc. This strain wants more blue light than what you were providing. That's my two cents anyway.