


I'm kinda new to Dwc. Got 2 grows under my belt using buckets but now I replicated heath's vert flooded tube but in a larger scale. I just got slime and I tripled the amount of oxygen using 1 airstone per level and also added airlines to the mix. My 55 gallon res is light proof and also has numerous airstones connected to a commercial air pump. I have a water chiller and my temps are at 68 degrees. System was well sterilized and I'm using an products sensi a and b .b52 .superthrive. I have voodoo juice and sensizyme but after I read a few comments about those products making root slime I decided not to used em. Still I got slime. Can some one help me please. BTW my ph is 5.6 and temps 68 and 1050 ppm and Im only 1 week into veg. Any comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Drop the superthrive, it's a known trigger of the slime. If you can return the sensizyme and voodoo juice you should. If not, you can still use the voodoo juice in conjunction with some other products to make a microbe tea. I am aware of many cases where AN products tarantula and piranha cause slime (even though they shouldn't), but voodoo juice seems to be okay. Voodoo juice is however extremely, unforgivably overpriced. A bottle of aquashield is about $12.

Anyhow, forget all those products and get some mycogrow soluble from It's $6/oz and has everything you need. Brew it tea style to make it last much longer. See the link in my sig for details. Join the ranks of those who have beat the slime!


Well-Known Member
Drop the superthrive, it's a known trigger of the slime. If you can return the sensizyme and voodoo juice you should. If not, you can still use the voodoo juice in conjunction with some other products to make a microbe tea. I am aware of many cases where AN products tarantula and piranha cause slime (even though they shouldn't), but voodoo juice seems to be okay. Voodoo juice is however extremely, unforgivably overpriced. A bottle of aquashield is about $12.

Anyhow, forget all those products and get some mycogrow soluble from It's $6/oz and has everything you need. Brew it tea style to make it last much longer. See the link in my sig for details. Join the ranks of those who have beat the slime!
So just brew that with the molasses and will we still need EWC. I looked at the link but I got mixed up.. Thanks. I hope this is not looked at as a high jack.


Well-Known Member
So just brew that with the molasses and will we still need EWC. I looked at the link but I got mixed up.. Thanks. I hope this is not looked at as a high jack.
The EWC adds more diversity, but is not necessary. It really depends on the aggressiveness of your slime. A product like ancient forest really packs a biological punch.


Well-Known Member
1000ppm on any scale in the octagon is going to fry your roots. Heath said to run at no more than 1.2 EC. I'm finding that .8 EC is where my babies are happiest. Start out with only nutes, no additives.
If you already have the slime, you need to kill it with physan 20 first, then go with the tea. In my octagon the tea dropped my DO to unacceptable levels, let us know how it works in yours.