Beneficial bacteria mycrorrhizal molasses organic tea help please


Active Member
Hello everyone, i am currently running indoors with roots organic soiless with cutting edge solutions as my nutes. I also use hum tea from cutting edge as well. My local hydro shop brews it for 15$ a gallon which can be used for 50 gallons but i would really like to use more of it. I really want to brew my own my own beneficial bacteria with molasses, bat guano, worm castings and anything else you good people my advise me in. There is a feed show here in town that has some great stuff but i am not sure which to choose. The have mycrorhizal (bnficial fungi), mycoapply endo, and vital earths bio pak (benefiial bacteria). here is the link to everything they have Master.pdf
My question is what would be the best to add to my brew tea to use once a week for flowering and should i use a different brew for veg. i will keep using my normal nutes but want to exchange a nute feed for a brew feed once a week. i have some black strap mollasss already and have been using 1tbls per gallon. just want to get some micro brew in there that i can sustain for a cheaper prices then great white or voodoo which i think just repackage basic stuff and slap on cool logos. Peace


Well-Known Member
Aren't most all Cutting Edge nutrients chemical based for hydro growers? The last time I looked their claim to fame was less salt build-up than their competition, has that changed? Putting an AACT tea into growing media that contains chemicals makes little sense.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
well I do it myself---banjo music in--- I make my own compost tea you see
just take a good quality compost and put a couple of gallons of compost in
a pillow case---that there is your tea bag-- now I keep mine brewing all the
time as you like to use it a lot and so do I especially outside. Get non Sulfur
Molasses and use RO water or Blown off and Ph to 7 ph for Neutral to live in.
1/3 cup of Molasses to about 3 gallons of H2o with a couple gallons of compost.
Use a air pump to keep it alive and not rancid---if it gets rancid no problem feed it molasses and aerate the good will eat the bad bacteria and will be good to use. You can tell by the sweet earthy smell--mm that and Purple Kush oil together..
anyways all that in a 5 gallon bucket covered in the sun to keep it about 75-85 degrees (like a pond) the bubbler keeps it fresh and I just feed it molasses and RO H20 thru the week.


Well-Known Member
I also brew my own teas, but prefer generating a larger range of microbes as I grow outside without chemical or organic nutrient supplements and feed the soil. I use:

1 cup of earthworm castings
1/4 cup kelp meal
1/4 cup fish hydrolysate
1/2 teaspoon pure humic acid
1 tablespoon soft rock phosophate
2 tablespoons organic alfalfa meal
1 teaspoon molasses

I brew for 24 hours at 70° (an aquarium heater is utilized as Oregon's weather is still too cold for sunlight heating), cut the tea by 50% with water and use within four hours.
