SHIT! Okay, here's my belladonna story. Back when, (1965) us kids where bored. Back in the midwest notta for us to do so we read up on store bought drugs when we found Asmadore (sp). It's a power containing belladonna that you burn (not smoked) and inhale the smoke for increased lung function. Well, we ate the shit! We had a hard time getting it down (about 2-3 tbls spoons) and the high was shit! You just lay there in a fucking trance. Colors would throb but in a sickening way. You would talk to people that weren't there and then realize it later that it was a dream. It lazy-hazy-trance like stuper and it sucked. You just wanted it to be over. Well, anyway, my sister brought some guys home with her to party. So they asked me if I have anything to get high on. Being the smart ass little brother I offered them something "different". Oh fuck, they layed around for 2 days moaning and my sister was really mad at me! We laugh about it today though! I'm still chuckling! They were kinda jerks so they got what they had coming to them but I would never do anything like that today. Kids!