Beginner ~ Need some help with N-P-K Nutrition dosage..


New Member
Hello guys, So i'm about to plant my first Cannabis plant. I've been out for Nutrients and i finally found someone selling N-P-K.. I have got a super feed package of 20-20-20 that i got for Vegetating, and a starter pack 10-50-10. I want some guidance how much to put for my plant during both stages. I've been aiming to buy 20-5-5 and 5-15-15 but i couldn't find anything near and the seller said i should go back later for something to mix with 10-50-10 to give me 3-16-3 but that's out of stock and pff i'm frustrated i've been reading a'lot about planting weed and i'm fine with everything and about to go for buying soil components but i just don't get it with all the food thing :((! I don't know how much to put per liter and will the 10-50-10 somehow do for flowering or i need to look for something else to mix or.. or.. or.. :shock: I'm melting downnn :wall:

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All I'm thinking of is adding both 20-20-20 + 10-50-10 = 30-70-30 / 4 = 7.5 - 17.5 - 7.5 would that be fine for flowering ? or should i break it more ?

Will be growing only 1 plant in a PC Grow box on LST, if that helps. And please no smart comments like you shouldn't be planting for lack of knowledge or what ever.. i've got my seed and soil and lights and box and everything is ready but i never started the plant because i don't know yet how will i nute it in 2 weeks+!.

Would really appreciate the dosage.. in tsp / Liter. Idk if i should consider cannabis a fruit or a vegetable or..

Edit: I'm planting in Soil, probably a mix of Compost + Peatmoss + Vermiculite.


Well-Known Member
Dude that be some strong nutes.
I guess that is all you can get where you live.
20-20-20 during Veg
and the 5-15-15 during flower.
Look for mixing instructions on the package.
I would dilute to 1/4 strength. Remember the old saying " Less is more"


New Member
Dude that be some strong nutes.
I guess that is all you can get where you live.
20-20-20 during Veg
and the 5-15-15 during flower.
Look for mixing instructions on the package.
I would dilute to 1/4 strength. Remember the old saying " Less is more"
For the 5-15-15 i couldn't find anything near, the one for Flowering i found was 10-50-10 and i should be breaking down. I thought of adding 20-20-20 (30-70-30) and breaking all down to about 7.5-17.5-7.5 (all / 6) or maybe break more. Would this work?, i'll be looking for something to add up on K somewhere :/. Am i calculating right?, i know there are micro attributes and its not that simple but would my calculations basically work?.

Could you advice me on a way to go fertilizing organic all through?, should i get compost and make some tea of it and use? would be easier for me to buy compost and stuff over here because the only N-P-K dealer i found has certain packages with N-P-K percentages and we had been calculating for approx an hour to get anything near what i want :/ And of-course i was lying all the time about the corp i'm planting and it wasn't fun at all :D