Begginer trying to grow outdoor


New Member
Hello, I just germinated two autoflowers, then I planted them in their final fabric pot (5 gallons pots) I am using biobizz All-mix, is there any chance that my seeds won’t come out of the soil? I heard that that soil has too much nutrients.
And another small question, how often should I water the soil when they are trying to pop out? I am keeping some bottles over them at night to keep them warm, during the day it’s usually warm.


Well-Known Member
If the root is out expect 5 days maybe...
And if the soil is too hot it will just slow your growth for a week or 2 then it will be back to normal soo dont worry


New Member
If the root is out expect 5 days maybe...
And if the soil is too hot it will just slow your growth for a week or 2 then it will be back to normal soo dont worry
Thanks for your reply, but I have another question, outside where I live the temperature is 30 degrees celsius during the day, should I keep them under the sun all day long or that will be too much for the plant? Thank you.


New Member
Start them on a window or a sligh shade until first true leaves.after that never forget to water
Update, they sprouted. I watered them yesterday and right now, the soil is still moist ( I used like 500ml of water for each plant and emptied it around the pot), did I overwatered them?


Well-Known Member
Update, they sprouted. I watered them yesterday and right now, the soil is still moist ( I used like 500ml of water for each plant and emptied it around the pot), did I overwatered them?
Overwatering isn't a single occurrence, it's a pattern. Overwatering means they have been sitting in water for too long, too frequently and it harms their growth.

So no, a single watering is not overwatered. Just let it dry out before you water it again. Cannabis plants would rather have more dry days than wet days, or so I've been told.

There's no point in watering the entire pot when your plants are just sprouted. Water a bit around them and let it dry out, a bit around them, and let it dry out. 500ml is too much, 100-200ml per plant should be fine, don't water again until the surface looks dry.

For reference, the roots are roughly spread out as far as your leaves extend. So if your plant is 1cm wide, the roots extend roughly 1cm around the pant, no need to water beyond that, yet.


New Member
Overwatering isn't a single occurrence, it's a pattern. Overwatering means they have been sitting in water for too long, too frequently and it harms their growth.

So no, a single watering is not overwatered. Just let it dry out before you water it again. Cannabis plants would rather have more dry days than wet days, or so I've been told.

There's no point in watering the entire pot when your plants are just sprouted. Water a bit around them and let it dry out, a bit around them, and let it dry out. 500ml is too much, 100-200ml per plant should be fine, don't water again until the surface looks dry.

For reference, the roots are roughly spread out as far as your leaves extend. So if your plant is 1cm wide, the roots extend roughly 1cm around the pant, no need to water beyond that, yet.
I did what you told me, thank you. Unfortunately, one plant was stuck in that seed shell, I moistened it before trying to get it out with tweezers but I wasn’t careful enough and I killed her.. That was such a bad mistake..

Anyway, does this plant look healthy on day 4?IMG_1954.jpeg


Well-Known Member
I did what you told me, thank you. Unfortunately, one plant was stuck in that seed shell, I moistened it before trying to get it out with tweezers but I wasn’t careful enough and I killed her.. That was such a bad mistake..

Anyway, does this plant look healthy on day 4?View attachment 5405705
Yes, looks happy! It's always tempting to remove the seed shell from plants. But it's better to wait a few days and let them do it themselves. If the seed hasn't fallen off after like, 2 or 3 days, you can try to gently help


New Member
Yes, looks happy! It's always tempting to remove the seed shell from plants. But it's better to wait a few days and let them do it themselves. If the seed hasn't fallen off after like, 2 or 3 days, you can try to gently help
Thanks for the advice, I will remember it in the future. I am a complete begginer, it must be a bit annoying to answer all my questions, but I really don’t know what to do.. If my soil has many nutrients in it, when should I start feeding other nutrients? Or It will be fine just with those


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, I will remember it in the future. I am a complete begginer, it must be a bit annoying to answer all my questions, but I really don’t know what to do.. If my soil has many nutrients in it, when should I start feeding other nutrients? Or It will be fine just with those
Not annoying at all, don't worry!

It depends on how long your plant will be growing, if it's an autoflower maybe what's in the pot will be enough. If you only have 4 months of growing season left, maybe it's enough.

The only way to find out is to wait and see. After a month or two, maybe the lower leaves will start showing signs of a deficiency, then you can start adding more nutrients.

Make sure the water you water with is the correct PH or you risk nutrient lockout and then the plant can't absorb any nutrients, not even the ones in the soil.


New Member
Not annoying at all, don't worry!

It depends on how long your plant will be growing, if it's an autoflower maybe what's in the pot will be enough. If you only have 4 months of growing season left, maybe it's enough.

The only way to find out is to wait and see. After a month or two, maybe the lower leaves will start showing signs of a deficiency, then you can start adding more nutrients.

Make sure the water you water with is the correct PH or you risk nutrient lockout and then the plant can't absorb any nutrients, not even the ones in the soil.
Ok, right now I am using vinegar for controlling the ph, can it cause harm to the plant? If it does, I will buy a ph down solution, I don’t want to risk anything.


Well-Known Member
Ok, right now I am using vinegar for controlling the ph, can it cause harm to the plant? If it does, I will buy a ph down solution, I don’t want to risk anything.
I have no idea sorry, Google is your friend! PH down solution is super cheap. I use a powdered one, which will last me for years. Just keep your PH between 6 and 7 and you should have no issues.