Before I get started, I just want to say thanks to all of you who post!!

So I may be a week or a few months away from even germinating my first seeds. I've gotten most of the parts ready and bought, just need to finish the room setup in my garage....ok well start on it anyway.
But seriously, thanks to all of you old pros, fellow newbies, and in betweeners that take time out of your day to post all of this great knowledge! Between this site, maybe a couple of more I've browsed and Ed Rosenthal I feel like I'm really ready to get my feet wet for my first grow. This site is awesome and so are you guys for your thirst for knowledge and for sharing it with others. Freaking "A" Thanks guys. Keep up the good work and I promise that I'll be able to share as well in the coming months.
Keep up the excellent work!