been budding for too long?

ive got a sour diesel that has been budding for like almost 10 weeks and still doesnt look done! its got real nice buds on tho and i could just crop it! but the thing thats alarming me is that every plant ive ever grow has had lots of orange hairs by this point indicating tht its a good time to crop and this plant has vertically non, in fact it had more orange hairs about 2 weeks ago! finding this all out the ordinary... someone help!! bongsmilie


Active Member
Yeah, we need some visual frame of reference.
Though she may just be a late bloomer, I'm 6 weeks deep looking at another 6 more.
*shrug* Heavy Sativa, i suppose.


Well-Known Member
Check the trichs, hairs dont have much to do with done-ness. Grab a mini microscope 60x-100x and check the trichs.


Well-Known Member
sometimes plants can take longer than you think they should or are advertised to - depending on nutrients used, lighting intensity, and temperature to name a few likely culprits. if you have a stable, stress free environment, and the flowers start shooting out bananas, that's a sign you've taken it as far as you should have if not a little too far.


Well-Known Member's one of mine from a couple years ago at 10 weeks, i chopped her at 20 weeks and she still wasn't done.

...there are some indica's that will finish in 8 weeks or less and there are some sativas that need more than 20 weeks to finish, ...most are hybrids so will finish depending on which part of the genepool is more dominant, indica or sativa, i'm guessing your's is sativa leaning so don't be impatient, just keep an eye on the trich's and wait until you have at least 20% amber before you chop or she won't have reached her full potential.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
I had that same problem one time. Plant never finished I think it went for 12-13weeks.
Shit happens sometimes.