Bedroom Chimney Ultimate Stealth grow(pics)


Being an utter newbie at this I thought id post up a journal to get as much help and advice as i possible could from ppl who have grown/growing there own.

The reason i want to grow my own it that im sick of all the pricks who will screw u for a little bit more profit basicly ppl are cunts( not all ppl)

so here i go What i have so far is:

1 easy ryder fem auto seed (
lights (CFL's only gonna have 2 (to start anyway))
1 strong fan
potting soil
miracle grow feed stuff
and 1 stealthy grow spot

It tolk a while to prepare but its all gonna be worth it. now for the pics iv missed a few out but u get the jist.



My seed has been planted and is in a big pot under the lights just waiting for her to pop out her shell and ill get more pics to all u guys Btw comments and advice is very welcome


Well-Known Member
maybe, i would have soaked it first and made sure the root started to pop out. just water her and hope for the best. you could do it in a small cup of water of in a pastic bag with some paper towle in there to in a cool dark plase. but like i said i does work that way its just better to make sure first.


Well-Known Member
hahaha that's why we germ first bro! no waiting game, but i guess the hole grow is a waiting game and your just getting started, talk to me in 3 months lol

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
hahaha that's why we germ first bro! no waiting game, but i guess the hole grow is a waiting game and your just getting started, talk to me in 3 months lol
it is a very long waiting game but it is really worth it. especially someone who wants to cut it down 2 weeks early because the "white hairs look bomb". stick it out in the end and you will be happy.

good luck getting there, and if you can actually enjoy it almost like a hobby. and not something your stressing about and mad secretive about(im not saying tell ppl but dont be a sketch ball about it) the time will fly


Well-Known Member
Get this man i harvested one of my plants almost a month ago and cured it for almost 3 weeks and the bitch still tastes and smells like hay! you gotta have some smoke to hold you over that's how you harvest to early.
ps. i'm smoking it right now and shes still no where near done! wait wait wait


its fuckin shit uk is shit well around me is no 1 sells bud only shitty SHITTY soapbar and if they do its .6 of a gram for a 10 bag i baught a quater of the soapbar boiled it and wow u should of seen the shit that came out of it


i dunno its wank hash like 2%thc or some stupid shit i boiled it and its gets u high after u smoke alot but its nasty tasting stuff that smells shit fuck that google that shit


Active Member
its fuckin shit uk is shit well around me is no 1 sells bud only shitty SHITTY soapbar and if they do its .6 of a gram for a 10 bag i baught a quater of the soapbar boiled it and wow u should of seen the shit that came out of it
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SOAPBAR (it's called "soap" because a 250g bar is shaped like a bar of soap) is perhaps the most common type of hash in the UK and it is often the most polluted.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Now, not all soap is bad of course, but some certainly is. At worst there may only be a tiny amount of low grade hash mixed with some very strange stuff: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Beeswax, turpentine, milk powder, ketamine, boot polish, henna, pine resin, aspirin, animal turds, ground coffee, barbiturates, glues and dyes plus carcinogenic solvents such as Toluene and Benzene [/FONT]