Become a Leader in the Cannabis Industry with Steep Hill

Steep Hill

Are you an entrepreneur and thinking about launching your own cannabis lab business but don’t know where to start? Consider becoming a Steep Hill licensee.

A general definition of a licensee is “any business, organization, or individual that has been granted legal permission by another entity to engage in an activity. The permission or license can be given on an express or implied basis” (Segal, 2021). Think franchise-light, where Steep Hill licenses its Intellectual Property and scientific and technical expertise, and the licensee partner controls the business operational side. A Steep Hill licensee is a passionate, experienced entrepreneur with a proven track record and success with startups. Along with strong local market customer relationships, regulatory connections, and the requisite capital, a licensee will have success within the cannabis lab business industry with Steep Hill on its side.

As a Steep Hill licensee, you will have access to the most prominent cannabis network and testing industry worldwide. Utilizing Steep Hill’s science and technology, such as our proprietary methodology and SOPs, LIMS integration, and custom-built software solutions, will prove highly beneficial to your cannabis lab business. Other resources at your fingertips as a licensee include our company-built ERP, which provides automated sample tracking from intake to sample prep to reporting, integrated POS, a business intelligence system with on-demand data, and a regulatory interface.

A Steep Hill licensee benefits from the immediate social media, marketing, and PR visibility associated with our lab. Licensees will also be exposed to our loyal customer base. Individuals partnered with Steep Hill have access to our customer insights and data relating to consumer purchasing habits. This information will help you decide your target customer and differentiate your business from the rest. We offer real-time visibility and solutions with online customer reporting, a customizable labeling system, developer API, and unique consulting services.

Why team up with Steep Hill?

Partnering with Steep Hill will give you a new business advantage within your local cannabis market. The market for cannabis lab businesses is estimated to grow by a CAGR percentage of 16.6% from 2022 to 2028. Get ahead of the competition in your local market by partnering with Steep Hill, a reputable company within the market. You have the opportunity to combine forces with us, rather than compete against us in your local market. Let’s maximize this opportunity and dominate your target market together as a team. With Steep Hill as your partner rather than competitor, you will have the ability to divert your energy towards customer acquisition, regulatory licensure, personnel training, and operational excellence. All of which are critical elements to operating a successful lab business.

Still aren’t sure if becoming a Steep Hill licensee is for you? Contact us at

Source for licensee definition:

Segal, T. (2021, May 19). Why Licensees Matter. Investopedia.