BCGreen's 1st Grow

Hi guys

I am working on my first indoor grow. I have done one outdoor grow this past summer. I learned lots from it but ended up having to harvest early because of bud rot. Was able to harvest a few pounds of early White Banner. I ran into all kinds of issues when they went info flower: PH\deficiencies, spider mites, aphids, gnats, under and over watering but managed to get through all the issue.

Grow Info:
Strain: Barney Farms LSD Autoflower (This order was an accident, thought I was ordering their photo strain. Figured I would run them to get rid of the seeds. I will only running photos going forward.)
Pots: 5gal soft pots
Soil: Sea Soil Container Complete
Soil additions: 3/4 cup dolomite lime (Tried adding as an amendment to prevent a PH drop. I had the same soil require a top dressing to fix low PH when going into flower in my outdoor grow and was hoping this would prevent that issue this time around.)
Nutrients: Full Remo Line - trying to find a good feed level currently feeding at 1/4 strength about 2ml pre gal of each bottle.

Veg Tent Info:
Tent Size: 2'x2'x4'
Light: Mars Hydro TS600 - 100W

Grow Room Info:
Info: My grow room is located in my garage. I have fully insulated the walls, floor and ceiling. Currently using a passive intake to cool the room with air form the garage.
Room Size: 5'x6'x8'
Lights: 1000W Meijiu 10 bar (MJ-1000H-V2). Currently dimmed between 700w and 800w
Fan: AC Infinity T8 - setup to keep the temperature at 80F
Carbon Filter: AC Infinity 8"
Heater: Oil heater - setup to warm room to 70F when lights are off using inkbird controller
Dehumidifier: 20 pint - setup to keep humidity below 55% using inkbird controller. With lights off I end up between 55%- 65% humidity with lights on I sit around 40%-55%

Seeds were popped on Oct 15th and sprouted overnight. Sprouts were planted directly into their 5gal pots and put in the veg tent getting about 200lux of light.

Day 19: I have watered once a week with plain water so far. No training yet.
Nov 3rd.jpg

Day 22: Still watering once a week with plain water. No Training yet. Have seen a couple fungus gnats so I sprayed with neem and put up a sticky trap.
Nov 6th.jpg

Day 27: Had first feeding with the veg nutrients at 1ml gal several days ago. Did a bit of LST and tied to main top to the edge of each pot, seems to level the canopy out nicely. Side branches should catch up quickly now as they are not far behind. Still spraying with neem to get rid of any gnats.
Nov 11th.jpg

Day 29: Had second feeding with veg nuts, still at 1ml gal. Side branches seem to have already caught up. Tent is getting tight now but I will have my new grow room ready very soon. Hoping I still have enough time to get these autos under a SCROG. Plants are getting about 450lux at the canopy now.
Nov 13th.jpg

Day 31: Moved plants into their new home. I have dimmed my lights so I am getting around 500lux at canopy. Temp is set to 82F and humidity it sitting around 35%-40%. I put my SCROG net on the plants and have started to spread them out under the screen.
Nov 15th.jpg

Day 36: Have noticed some deficiencies since moving them into their new room. Found the PH sitting in the low 5s so I added more dolomite as a top dressing. Also added a TSB top dressing of kelp to each pot, was probably a bad idea. Gave first feeding in the new home, this was closer to half the recommended amount and came to about 500ppm, this was also probably a bad idea.

Crap: The day after this picture I had nut burn on the tips of some leaves and also had some clawing and cupping. I assume I over feed them here, especially since they are probably locked out from the low PH. I have also bumped up the humidity so its closer to 40%-45%, leaves seeming very dry. Then I waited a couple days and gave plain water to flush the nutrients.
Nov 20th.jpg

Day 41: Still noticing some curling / drooping in the new growth, not praying like I would expect. I have since moved the temp down to 79f as the leaves seeming a bit dry wondering if its not to hot for them. Still tucking and bending to fill the screen out as much as possible. I have given one more plain watering to continue flushing nutrients. PH has started to bounce back now, all pots are between 5.4 and 6. I have added a three more Tbsp's of dolomite lime to each pot.
Nov 25th.jpg

I can only attach so many pictures so I will finish brining this thread up to date in the next post.
Day 43: Have now moved humidity up to 45% - 50%, still noticing drooping and curling of new growth. Watered with nutrients today, now at 2ml per gal for around 320ppm, mix of veg and bloom nuts.

Nov 27th 2.jpg
Nov 27th 3.jpg

Day 44: Dang, the next day and I am noticing even more curing /drooping. Maybe to much nutrients again, maybe overwatering. Seems like the plants on the right are doing better then the two on the left. I guess this could be a VPD issue?
Nov 28th 1.jpg

Day 45: Plants are just starting to flower now, still tucking and bending. Some of the dropping leaves seems to be picking back up. Watered without nuts today still not sure if I am over feeding. Hopefully its not over watering.
Nov 29th.jpg

Day 47: After the water yesterday all the plants seems to be drooping more today. Crap, maybe it is overwatering. I will let them dry out completely. Until now I have been watering when moisture meter is between moist/dry. Maybe it is reading dryer then it actually is.
Dec 1st 1 .jpg

Day 49: Plants still drooping a fair bit, still holding out on watering. Did another big SCROG session today, tied down a few of the tops that were to solid to bend. Tried to even the canopy out as much as possible, I think this will be one of my last days tucking and bending as they are into flowering now. Will only tuck if a branch gets way ahead of the others.
Dec 1 1.jpg

Day 51: Plants are recovering from the last scrog session nicely. Also noticing some of the drooping is bouncing back, more so on the right side then the left. Checked PH again today and all pots were between 6.2 and 6.4. I noticed when checking ph that my soil temp was at 16c. To help with the low soil temp I have raised my temp back up to 80F during the day and 71F at night instead of 65F at night. I also increased the humidity again now at 55%-60%, it drops a bit lower with the lights on.

Day 52: Drooping does seem to be getting a bit better on the left side, right is doing much better. By this the evening pots were totally dry. I gave them a small watering only giving them half of their usual 1.25Gal with at about 300ppm nuts.
Dec 4th 3.jpg

Day 54: Pots were totally dry again this morning, I give them another the other half of their 1.25Gal water with at about 300ppm nuts. Still drooping, not sure if I will ever fix this fully. not sure what I am doing wrong now.
Dec 6th.jpg
Dec 6th 2.jpg

Feel free to post with any advice as I am going to need all the help I can get to fix my noob mistakes.


  • Dec 3rd.jpg
    Dec 3rd.jpg
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Day 56:
Over the last couple days I have had some bounce back on the drooping. Maybe doing smaller watering is helping after all. Unfortunately I have some deficiencies that are getting worse by the day. From looking online I am guessing its a Phosphorus Deficiency but I am not sure if I am over fertilizing or under fertilizing? Do I add more nuts or skip nuts for a few days?

Yesterday - deficiencies:
Dec 7th 1.jpgDec 7th 2.jpgDec 7th 3.jpgDec 7th 4.jpg

Today - deficiencies: (same leaf as in first pic above, one day later)
Dec 8th 2.jpg

The canopy is looking a bit more yellow all over today.
Dec 8th 3.jpg

Does anyone have anyone have any suggestions on the deficiencies? I went with giving them all low does of nuts and a bit extra water today to try and flush a bit as I am guessing there are to much salts in the soil but I really have no clue if I am doing the right thing or not.
Day 62:

Got advised from the plant problem section that I was underfeeding. I increased my feed to 800ppm and the deficiencies seemed to stop getting worse. But I also started to got a bit of tip burn/curl, will try dialing back the nuts to 700ppm to see if it helps with the tip burn. I have also started to increase my light slowly, I got it up to about 720lux and started to notice what I thought was a bit of light bleaching. I now have it at 700lux and will keep any eye on it.

Day 84

Over the last few week I ran into an issue where I was getting a tone of burnt spots on my leaves (sugar leaves were hit hard), mainly on two of the four plants. After cutting out the Magnifical my issued seemed to stop getting worse. Still feeding at 800ppm. Plants are getting closer to harvest now, seems like I might actually make it to the finish line. Fingers crossed.

#1 Back right: Has mostly cloudy trics, maybe a week or two away from harvest.
#2 Front right: Still has a few clear trics, seems to be a few days behind #1.
#3 Front left: About 50/50 clear/cloudy trics, a week or two behind #1.
#4 Back left: About 50/50 clear/cloudy trics, a week or two behind #1.


Bud from Plant #1

Bud from Plant #1