BC seeds, GMO Cannabis?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I recently came accross these seeds from BC seeds and was wondering if anybody had any experience growing or even heard of any of these. the descriptions for some of them are kind of ridiculous and nevermind the price of the seeds. If anybody as any input that'd be great!


Active Member
Hey Med123

I have spotted the same site as you have, and I highly doubt there is any truth to what is being cliamed. I have worked in the GMO field before, and i takes some High prized equietment to do it, and yea at least 2-3 years before the cultivar is done. but on the other hand could be some guy working in a lab and, may have been messing around with some of his own seeds without permisson... highly doubt it, but could be. Guess is all fake.. Dunno try buy some and make a thread? ;) PS remember DON'T spread any pollen, could become a big problem for the whole community