
Active Member
Got the BC Bloombox a couple months ago and after a shaky start and some rocky patches along the way I think we're doing ok. It's a great product: everything is automated on timers (the lights, the drip system) and the staff is really helpful.

This is the box. It is actually quite large but if you have a spare room or basement, it's perfect.

We're still in the vegetation stage with some snags along the way. As you can see, the shelf is pretty low so I had some seedling stretching going on bad.

So I put them closer to the light. Will know better for the next time. It was slow getting roots and I overwatered them too so I put some airtsones in the tank attached to an air pump and flooded the cubes with oxygenated water and mild nutes. I'm using Advanced Nutrients. I also used a fan to strengthen the stems. I di dhtis for 2 days straight.

It worked very well and they started to shape up.

When I had good root action going I moved them into the drip system tub below and started my first full week of nutrients (Sensi Grow A+B, Voodoo Juice, B-52).

It is now DAY 2 in the tub and 18 days under the light. The drip system comes on twice a day for 5 minutes (8:45-8:50 and 4:20-4:25). I have it set 12 hours later so it comes on at night rather than the morning as it is programmed to do.

It's been exciting and nerve wracking and lots of little costs but hopefully will pay off in the end. To be continued...


Active Member
I think things are looking pretty good. This week couldn't have been easier. Everything was on timers and all I did was sit back and watch them grow, aside from the occassional spray. The Bloombox is doing its thing.

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Just changed the tub nutrients and went on to the Week 2 feeding schedule, which increased the nute strength by 5ml.


Active Member
So far it's been 11 days under the drip and things are definitely bigger but I'm hoping things still looking good to the more trained eye.

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I've noticed some spots on a few of the leaves and occassional tip discoloration:

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Should there be really good roots coming out the bottom of the pot yet? There is some root action coming from the rockwool but it's still pretty tangled and contained within the pot.

Anybody want to say when they think they can go into the grow chamber? Is there anyway I can tell the sex yet? What if they are males? 1 of them is definitely smaller than the other 2 - might this be a female? They are Nothern Lights by the way...


Active Member
Things are still growing here and getting a lot bigger, roots forming, etc. but I'm starting to notice a little damage on some of the leaves.
http://www.gardenscure.com/420/attachments/hydroponic-grow-journals/189913d1167879025-bloombox-first-grow-1-6over.jpg http://www.gardenscure.com/420/attachments/hydroponic-grow-journals/189915d1167879117-bloombox-first-grow-1-3-leavesdamage.jpg
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I just started the 3rd week of nutrients (Advanced) and the strengths were increased.

It is Sensi Grow A+B in 3 gallons of water. 25ML each.
Voodoo Juice - 25ML
B-52 - 70ML.

I am trying to follow their grow schedule but should I be a little cautious? Is this a magnesium shortage? Or are they just hungry?


Active Member
What do you have to do to get some help around here? Guess my journal isn't interesting enough...

Thanks anyway...


Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn. Not sure how this box works but if it's hydro you need to either replace with a weaker solution or water down the current solution.

As for needing help... People don't tend to post requests for help in the grow journals. In fact, others are expressly forbidden to post in another persons grow journal unless they're invited. This is because some people will later use their grow journal as instructions to how others should grow their own and they don't want all the annoying questions and comments getting in the way.

If you need more help, post to the indoor growing or newbies forum and someone will help you shortly.


Active Member
I toned down the nutes a lot and got things in order. Still some damage but the newer growth has been ok and now I'm finally in the flowering chamber!

They are definitely a little bit on the tall side. That's one problem with the box: not much flexibility to move lights around. Will know better for the next time.

My PH is again 5.6 and my PPM is only 800. The AN plan calls for Sensi Bloom A&B, more Voodoo Juice, and something called Dr. Hornby's Big Bud. I'm only using the Bloom right now.


Man, it's hard to see sh*t with the light on! Guess I'm gonna have to get used to it.

It's been 3 days in flowering. They are getting taller for sure. I think the tips might be starting to discolor a bit again - have to watch it.

I brought the PH down from 6.2 to 5.7 and the PPM is up at 820 - keeps going up. Too soon to tell sex yet? Should I trim away the lower dead leaves and such?


Well-Known Member
sexing is usually from 10-14 days...and even longer. but sometimes they show really early. I've seen males at 6 days.


Well-Known Member
damn man that is a nice setup you got there. those plants took off like they owed someone money. must be a good growing enviornment. +rep for just buying the damn thing lol


Well-Known Member
^^exactly wut i was thinkin...
i was wonderin how long did u let them veg b4 u flowered? what are the inside dimensions of that contraption and how tall r they now n how tall r u gonna let em get?


Active Member
They were in veg. just over 4 weeks - it was a little slow getting started (newbie mistakes!) but they eventually took off - had some stretching and slow root development. I was waiting for alternating nodes before moving them into flowering and they got pretty tall in the process. Only one of them had it by the time I moved them. I guess they are going to get as tall as they are gonna get until I have some good bud action going, maybe have to top them, don't know yet.

The Bloombox manual says to move them when they are only 8 inches or so but I waited a bit longer. And now they are very tall - a little too tall at this point! Gonna have to do some serious bending I'm sure. There's probably only 3 feet or so inside.

For those interested, the box has been great. It's not perfect but you learn these things along the way - my next grow will be much easier during vegging. The timers are awesome and it's pretty good stealth, though the cabinet is big - if you have an extra room or basement or garage it's great. I keep it in an office building and it seems pretty huge. For my first grow I'm glad I got this far but will definitely know a lot more for the next time.



Active Member
Since 9:00 AM yesterday my PH went up from 5.7 to 6.3 and my PPM stayed the same at 820. Everything looked the same on the plants - didn't notice anything new.

I got bold and decided to bump up the PPM level 150 PPMs more to see what happens: it's now at 970 and my PH is balanced at 5.7. I'll monitor the levels tomorrow night (24 hours later) and see how the plants react if there is any...


Active Member
Plants took a real turn for the better in the last couple days. Things are looking up. They just showed their sex:
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Had to ditch the third plant, it was a male - sorry to see him go but he was just big and cumbersome.

My plants are in much better shape now. I guess they liked the clean water and the mild nutes. ppm 530. The roots are more bountiful as well.

Lean mean, fighting machines:
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The lower leaves and stems on the really damaged plant came right off. The newer leaves and top growth much cleaner, almost no damage now. Looking pretty good I think...
Hope I'm bending enough...maybe I'll get a little more ballsy in the next couple days.


Active Member
hi dejm1, ive got mine growing in a closet, its about 3 to 4 week old and about 6.5 inch tall maybe a little bigger, just wondered when you recommended flowering? how tall before should it be?


Active Member
Hey Grape,
I'm kinda new at this myself but I would say (from my own little experience) don't let them get too tall before going into flowering - they are supposed to show alterating nodes but mine only had 1 with alt. nodes before I moved them. I let mine get quite tall before moving them, just over 4 weeks in veg. and now they might be too tall and overgrow the box. I need to do some bending, which you can see in the pics. The problem with boxes and closets is that you don't have the option to move the lights if they get very tall.

My Bloombox says when it reaches 8 inches to go into flowering - mine were probably twice that...


Active Member

You and I are right currently growing within a week of each other.. How long are you planning on letting your plants flower?... I was planning on letting mine grow for around 60 days and I am currently on day 29 of flowering... I am only asking because I have six plants growing from bagseed, and I would like to see the difference in how much bud we get from each plant... I would also like to know what spectrum of light you are using and how many watts? Will Keep in touch... keep GROWING GREEN!!!