battery powered lighting

alright guys i was trying to find if there was a easy way to make a battery opperated light cos a was wanting to grow in my shed
any help would be gret


Well-Known Member
I think it would probably be easier and more cost effective to run some high gauge wiring out there capable of high current draws. Car batteries run at 12 volts, meaning you would have to buy 10 batteries and run them in series to meet the 120 volts needed to run a lighting system. Batteries aren't cheap and also won't hold a charge for very long depending on how many lights you are using.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately i dont think it will feesable to power our HIDS by battery. maybe a savvy builder would know what to do but it would have o be expensive. generator, but its loud and uses alot of gas. other then that just run an electical cord under the grass/dirt into the shed and get a power surge thing and you should be good to run about 1000-2000 watts (i believe).
12 volt deep cycle battery 85$ so 85x12=1020$ just in batteries,then u need panels 80 watt = 200$ plus shipping(i have 4)then power inverter i got the 2500 watt inverter and that was 250$ . total 2,070$