Basement toking


I live in our basement which is pretty nice, its like an apartment. Its a separate floor so music and smells don't travel TOO much. But I'm trying to fix all smells completely. I don't mind waiting until night, then my parents will be 2 floors above me, even better. Right now this is what I do

Towel under the door, close the vents(should I tape some felt over it instead?) windows open, and a bottle of febreeze.

Any other tips/ideas? I remember somewhere I saw a DIY active charcoal bucket thingy. With a home depot bucket, a fan wedged on top and charcoal under it or something of that sort.

Also, for the smoke detector just to be sure...Can I tape a paper bowl over it?


Active Member
I hear your mama calling! Dude, you live in your parents basement???? ahhhh im just kidding...... i dont know you could always try a vape. Smell disapates really fast. good luck.


I'm willing to bet you over half of these people on this forum live with their parents lol. And it's just while I'm in school. I'd rather focus on school and get good grades then tire myself out by working two jobs just to afford an apartment. Right now I just work part time to pay for school/food.


Active Member
I really was just totally kidding. ummmmm if not the vape, i dont know ,,, i used to stuff sheets of fabric softner in a paper towel tube and xhale through it...... could try that.


Haha I know. Yeah, I like the vape, thats a good idea. The towel tube works, just not for blunts, and thats what i normally do.


Well-Known Member
bathroom and weather stripping around the door towel under door and ventilation fan you should be good


Well-Known Member
i lived in a similar place when i lived with my parents, but i moved out when i was 17 cause i got tired of that shit, i usually smoked in the bathroom with the shower running and then fan on and i just stood on the toilet and blew all the smoke it to fan and it went bye bye, but i suggest just put a book of something over then vents if there on the ground, or if on the ceiling, then just cloth or something. but the dube toob is the best