Basement room design ***Wisdom, advice and opinions wanted :)


Hi all... I have been a "reader" of this great site for awhile now. I recently gained access to a basement that I can design a grow room out of :) i would like to ask you all for your advise, wisdom and opinions. Here is what I am working with.

Room Specs:
Room A: 6 foot ceiling, 13 feet x 12 feet of floor space. Access door is basically in the middle of the room. Hot water heater in the left hand corner as you walk in. Electric and water access is along the left hand side of the wall as well. I plan to use this room as a flower room only.

Room B: this room is a step up of about a foot giving me a 5 foot ceiling. This room is 12 feet wide 7 feet wide. I plan to separate this room and use it as a cloning room only.

What I have done so far:
To help with moisture issues i have sealed the walls with a white elastic type of sealer for concrete basements retaining walls and so forth. I have changed some of the plumbing so i can better try to seal the room.

Ideas that I plan to complete in the next week:
Enclose hot water heater and make a small cabinet to store supplies. Better seal the ceiling using 1/8 plywood. This will "smooth out" the ceiling helping with pest protection and I think I will like how it looks better lol. Setup wall shelves covering 20 feet of wall space, 3 shelves from floor to ceiling, 20 inches deep in room B. this room will be lit with T5s over each shelf. Once all the construction is complete I plan to spray the entire room(s) with a ultra white flat finish paint with anti mold and fungal additives.

Questions I have:

My air circulation, I was thinking of having all exhaust on one side and inlets on the other. But do I want to suck the air from under the house or should I run a duct to get "outside air"? If I get the air from under the house I was going to build a "box" that I can enclose the fan(s) in and setup a place for a filters to keep dust and bugs out. I will of course have osolating fan to circulate the air. If I get air from "outside" wouldn't I be heating the room? When it's 100 degrees outside the basement temp is around 80-85 degrees. Whats the best most efficient way to move air?

For the flowering room first thought is to go with 1000s on light rails. I want to cover the entire room with light and do a sea of green grow. I am worried about heat caused by the 1000s so I was thinking maybe going with 600s. If you were setting up this room how would you light it and why?

Grow Media
i was thinking of growing in one gallon pots. Using Subcool's (sorry for spelling it's late and I am smokin lol) super soil I found on this site. I have yet to grow in anything but soil. I'm not really ready to change that, yet. Would a super soil in a small one gallon pot supply the plant with what it needs and finish off as beautiful as everyone would like their girls to?

The location of the grow is on well water. I was thinking of running a RO filter and drip lines to each plant. This is based on the idea that the grow media will provide the plants with everything they need nutes wise. In a soil based sea of green grow what is the best most efficient way to water your girls?

Sorry for such a long post!!! I would greatly appreciate any and all of the advice and wisdom I can get :)
I will be posting pics tomorrow to give you all a better idea of what I am working with.