Barneys farm blue cheese led 90w


Active Member
Hello everyone, this is my first grow and i havent had time or done any homework and am working with what i have been given. I'm not sure what i'm doing but giving it a try without any real effort because i simply dont have the time... Been trying to inform my self with tips and advice from the net but hey this seems to be the best way to get some well needed advice for my lil ones.

DAY 32 from seed

Light: 90W led ufo
strain : Barney farm blue cheese
potted in normal standard flower compost from garden centre
fed with baby bio
had them on 24/24 until day 25 then changed to 20/4 because i read they need darkness.

I have no air, heating or carbon filter. Just five plants under one 90w ufo light.

The plants are 10inches from the light

The plants are now at day 32 from seed and they have nice big green leaves and look healthy but they are only 7 inches tall !!! they smell absolutely divine but seem to grow really slowly,

I'm not sure what to do with them or is it a normal size considering my setup.

Should i cut them or take leaves off ?as they seem to be getting a little bushy.

How long should i veg them for.. ? its been over 4 weeks now from seed and i think they need at least another couple of weeks. But this is my first grow and my knowledge and experience is near to nothing and finding time to search the net for info i havent really got. So all help and advice would be warmly welcomed and appreciated.




Active Member
DAY 34 - plants are still only between 6 and 8 inches high.. i'm asking myself if i should put them into flower or are they still too small ????


Hey there.. Im also growing with Leds. Its actually my first grow! I keep my Led panel at around 5 inch from the plant. My Led is a 120W panel and have 2 24W CFLs (for heat) and 4 pure blue 14W Leds. My plants are currently at day 40 and are around 10-14 inches high. I put them on flower yesterday. I think maybe you should wait a bit more give it a week or two!


Active Member
yeh this is my first too and just making do with what i've got... they look fine my plants but i think my ufo 90w led is a bit of a lightweight for this... its been 5 weeks now and they are still really small apart from the big bold leaves :( when i have more space and more cash i'll invest in a better set up ... probably with cfls.

i'm curious to find out if they'll flower and deliver some decent bud as i'm doing a bit of a bodge grow :)

hopefully they'll grow another couple inches by next week!


From my experience plants tend to double or triple in size in the first week or two of 12/12. Something to keep in mind if your height is limited.


From my experience plants tend to double or triple in size in the first week or two of 12/12. Something to keep in mind if your height is limited.
I have to agree with ilikeme.

Keep in mind your grow space cause as I have seen and read around plants do double or trip when put on flowering. so if your limited on space then should not really be concerned about their size right now~!


Lol same here. its my first grow and decided to go with LEDs .. makes me wonder if maybe i should had MH/HPS or CFLs..
Yeah my first grow i went with a 400 and i still use this light its been three years.When i decide to go for something else it will be a 600 watt or a 1000 watt but more than likely it will be a 600.


Active Member
From my experience plants tend to double or triple in size in the first week or two of 12/12. Something to keep in mind if your height is limited
i'll be happy if they double in size after what i've read about these cheap led ufos ...

but considering i'm using this light, cheap compost from garden ccentre and babybio to feed it i'm not complaining they are all looking nice and green and healthy.
i'll probably veg them another week til i go to the garden centre and get some mg bloom booster which i'm going to use as nutes because of lack of funds for anything more suitable.


Well-Known Member
as long as your happy with the end result thats all that matters.everything seems to be going well so far so you must be doing something right.


they look ok. I also topped mine but I top them leaving maybe like 1 or 2 mm of the stem.. seems like you left good 0.5 - 1 cm of the stem there~ Either way your plants look really good~ lol mine are in trouble right now~ :S kinda getting burnt for some reason. dunno if it is K def or something else... either way if you topped your plants you should give them a good 9 days before you flower them.


Active Member
10jan2.jpg10jan1.jpg10jan6.jpg10jan3.jpg10jan4.jpgit is now day 41 and here are some p10jan5.jpgics... they have grown quite a lot since last week but will i'll probably give them another week in veg to make that just over 6 weeks in all.



Well-Known Member
it'll be a big upgrade, but your plants will be fine. In fact, i bet they will love your new 600 watt lamp.


Active Member
pic8.jpgPIC2.jpgPIC3.jpgpic7.jpgpic1.jpghere are some pics.. theypic4.jpg are between 10 and 14 inches tall now.. will put under 600w next friday for 12/12 ... i hope they will be ok in their new tent under a 600w.



Active Member
as you can see above in the 6th pic the roots are starting to come out of the bottom of the pots. I would like to put them in a bigger pots but wouldnt this put them into shock and maybe kill them .. ??? anyone ?