Videos like this really do show the ineptness or naiveness of the so called conservatives. A conservative should be someone who says, lets not use up all our resources or give them to China-Like our fresh drinking water going to fill China's Aqua fores.
Instead they have the attitude of sitting on the end of your bed and telling you what or how to make love. Their perverse version of it, while trying to sneak laws by, to enforce their non American infringing ideology on the masses.
I am a conservative because I bring my own bags to the market and do not waste food or water. Other then that, I am a liberal as long as you do not waste the common resources. In other words do what you want, as long as it does not effect my world. I am democrat, in the way that, if the majority feels a certain direction is the best course, we can try it. As long as it does not tread on my way of life, or steps on the conservation way of living.
These leaders have no more wind in their sails to argue that MJ is a gateway drug or non medical. They constantly re iterate some 1970's hogwash, which by the way was proven to be hogwash by the Nixon admin, who then trashed the info, because after Nam they needed another war. If any drug is a gateway drug it is alcohol. The stupidist, reckless things I have ever done were because of alcohol. The only thing I crave as far as a drug goes is alcohol. IF I have it on Sunday for the game I think about it on Monday during the game. With Pot it is there and I forget to use it. Do not think about it and have to remind myself to use it, usually after a couple of beers.