balls on it


Active Member
hi guys and gals,
started my last grow wit seeds i got of a friend, bad move:cry:
he said they were good beens but i think they were probably bag seed.
every thing was going good till h had to go away for a few days.
came back to this. they started off with the white hairs as normal.
out of the 5 i had left 2 were like this, the other 3 look ok so far.
my guess is they were hermie seeds, do you think they fucked my other 3.

grow sept 002.jpggrow sept 001.jpggrow sept 003.jpggrow sept 004.jpg


Active Member
As long as the pollen sacks haven't released any pollen, the other girls should be fine.
just get those balls out of there!


Well-Known Member
as long as they didnt open they should be fine like 4lor2enz0 said

my outdoor lady got pollinated by some rogue pollen out there lol, shes my only plant so i have NO OTHER MALES. she came from a nugget bag (60 an eigth stuff high prices here i know) so at least ill have seeds of some good nugget!
good luck man


Well-Known Member
Holy balls!

I guess it takes a thousand of them to surface before some people take the hint. lol.

Anyhow, +1 for everything's gonna be alright.

You were playing with fire, homeskillet. Next time, use protection.


Active Member
there was only female hairs on them when i left, i was gone for 6 days.
just checked the remaining 3, and they look alright.
fingers crossed.