Balls everywhere, 2 weeks of spraying CS


Well-Known Member
This is a Seedsman Northern Light Auto Fem that I been spraying for a couple weeks now. She's probably 5 weeks old now, and still in the same solo cup. She didn't seem to grow at all while I was spraying, so there isn't much to her. I'm hoping the balls don't burst for at least a few weeks so that I can harvest most of my nearby crop seed free, and then pollinate another NL auto.

I made the colloidal silver with a 12v dc power source. The mixture said it was 15 ppm after the first night, but meter said it was still 15 ppm after a week of it being plugged in. The silver wire was cleaned regularly and spaced. The mason jar used was silver coated in spots, so I probably wasn't getting an accurate ppm.

I'm thinking about stopping spraying, but got conflicting information from other threads that I've read here and other forums. I think if I stop spraying now, the plant's growth will recover faster, but worry that if I do the pollen might be sterile and that I should spray until the first sacks bursts. I'm leaning towards splitting the difference and spraying for another week. But what say you?
looks like you pulled it off without as you havent mentioned it, but a 1 milliamp diode in the line will limit the power going through and you will get consistant;y smaller particles.
its believed that without a diode, the particle size gets larger as the process go's on, this may be ok for plants, but i wouldent consume it or allow it to get into the skin, the body stores up toxins, we as humans havent evolved to a point where we rid our body's of heavy metals and some toxins, larger silver particals come under that heading i believe.
looks like you pulled it off without as you havent mentioned it, but a 1 milliamp diode in the line will limit the power going through and you will get consistant;y smaller particles.
its believed that without a diode, the particle size gets larger as the process go's on, this may be ok for plants, but i wouldent consume it or allow it to get into the skin, the body stores up toxins, we as humans havent evolved to a point where we rid our body's of heavy metals and some toxins, larger silver particals come under that heading i believe.

Thanks, I'll definitely add a diode in line and hopefully I can get a higher ppm in the future.

I'm being super cautious with the stuff, only got accidental skin contact a few times, and got misted in the face 1 time, when the winds changed up on me(I spray it outside). Appreciate the knowledge.
Thanks, I'll definitely add a diode in line and hopefully I can get a higher ppm in the future.

I'm being super cautious with the stuff, only got accidental skin contact a few times, and got misted in the face 1 time, when the winds changed up on me(I spray it outside). Appreciate the knowledge.
Pretty sure people take it orally and use it on their skin for 'health'. Can buy it on Amazon marketed for that. @ 15ppm
is there a video for the 12v /wire thing

I didn't use a battery, just a dc power source, silver wire, and wire nuts. This is what I used, I probably didn't choose the best power source.
I put the silver wire in a mason jar, then twisted the cap on over the wire so that the wire nuts wouldn't be submerged in the water, but from what Go Go Kid said earlier, might have worked better if wirenuts were submerged in the water.
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Pollen any day now and do not let the wire nuts sit in the sol'n while you are making it unless you want colloidal copper too.

Here's the circuit you want if you want finer CS particles.




Once balls form they will keep coming so if you have girls around you don't want pollinated I suggest you find a spot far away from them in a closet somewhere and put a couple of 2700K LED bulbs over it with a timer at 12/12. Lean it over a sheet of tinfoil to catch pollen and flower parts that will fall off.

No fans!

looks like you pulled it off without as you havent mentioned it, but a 1 milliamp diode in the line will limit the power going through and you will get consistant;y smaller particles.
its believed that without a diode, the particle size gets larger as the process go's on, this may be ok for plants, but i wouldent consume it or allow it to get into the skin, the body stores up toxins, we as humans havent evolved to a point where we rid our body's of heavy metals and some toxins, larger silver particals come under that heading i believe.

A diode only keeps power from going both directions and won't do anything for particle size.
That circuit I posted will but takes a lot longer to make a batch.

Don't smoke or use buds sprayed with CS or STS but unless you drink lots every day of any CS that's made properly it's not going to hurt you large particle or not.

This kind of CS is properly called ionic silver and isn't really CS.

I made the colloidal silver with a 12v dc power source. The mixture said it was 15 ppm after the first night, but meter said it was still 15 ppm after a week of it being plugged in. The silver wire was cleaned regularly and spaced. The mason jar used was silver coated in spots, so I probably wasn't getting an accurate ppm.

A ppm pen won't tell you the true ppm of your CS. I use a ppm pen dedicated to only using on CS and diluted some 1000ppm calibration sol'n to 20ppm to calibrate that pen. I will use it to check the ppm of RO water too tho I use only steam distilled 0ppm water from the drug store to make my CS using a 29.5V DC power supply connected thru that circuit above. The real ppm of the CS is 2 - 2.5x what your ppm pen reads and that's still a guessimate.

For the second batch if I add a shotglass full from the first batch to speed things up but NEVER use salt of any kind. That's how the Smurf man turned himself blue.

I cut a .9999 silver coin in half and drilled holes at the tips to attach them to .9999 silver wires and set up plastic caps like you to keep the coins spaced properly. I use a magnetic stirrer so I'm not having to stir it and end up cleaning the coins and reversing the wire connections each time I do for even wear on the coins.

Colloidal silver_New setup_01.jpg

Just the coins are submerged at the top of the water. Then the wires don't get worn out and I should be able to go thru a half dozen or more coins before needing new wires but that will take a long time.

Colloidal silver_New setup_02.jpg

Yes, I saw that, but as a society we definitely don't have everything figured out, it might not be that healthy, so I just choose to be cautious.

CS has been around for a century at least and now that antibiotics aren't working on a lot of stuff big pharma is finally using it for lots of problems, quietly, as they fought tooth and nail to prove it was dangerous when they knew damn well using it would cut into their profits. Not unlike pot and many other proven remedies the couldn't patent and charge big $$ for. Pay or die is their mantra.

Bad gums, swirl it around like mouth wash then spit out. We use it in a little 60ml brown spray bottle for cuts and scrapes. After a bath I use that on my underarm as it slows bacterial growth so it's good for a few days unless it's hot and sweating a lot. First aid for the wife's chickens and I've used it to cure a badly infected tooth and toenail fungus. Sometimes drink an oz a day if I think something nasty is going on inside me and also as eye drops when I had a little infection in an oil gland in my bottom eyelid.

Like a lot of things if you use them properly and don't abuse them they help, not harm.

A diode only keeps power from going both directions and won't do anything for particle size.
That circuit I posted will but takes a lot longer to make a batch.

Don't smoke or use buds sprayed with CS or STS but unless you drink lots every day of any CS that's made properly it's not going to hurt you large particle or not.

This kind of CS is properly called ionic silver and isn't really CS.


I'm a dumb electrician, not an electrical engineer. But I think a diode restricts current in 1 direction and lets it flow in the other. DC circuits, the current only flows in 1 direction, so you can limit the amperage with a single diode. In your circuit, current is going out on the - and returning on the + source, so after going through the water, it's coming back and then has 2 paths, 1 through a diode, and the other through 2 resistors before merging and entering that fancy current regulator ma jig thing. So I think your way is much cooler and probably more effective, but I think go go kid's method should also work in limiting the amperage.
I'm a dumb electrician, not an electrical engineer. But I think a diode restricts current in 1 direction and lets it flow in the other. DC circuits, the current only flows in 1 direction, so you can limit the amperage with a single diode. In your circuit, current is going out on the - and returning on the + source, so after going through the water, it's coming back and then has 2 paths, 1 through a diode, and the other through 2 resistors before merging and entering that fancy current regulator ma jig thing. So I think your way is much cooler and probably more effective, but I think go go kid's method should also work in limiting the amperage.

I'm not even an electrician but from my understanding a diode is basically just like a one-way flow valve for electricity and should have no effect on amperage flow. Had to scrounge a diode from older electrical junk. Got a bunch but trying to figure out which of them are silicon small signal diodes as required by the diagram was a head scratcher and not simple to find out about online. Now I can't find my desoldering wick.

My next step one of these days is to solder it all onto one of the assorted PCbs I bought. More head scratching. :) Just running it off the breadboard for now as you see in the pics I posted.

Sux you can't just go to Radio Shack and buy the various bits and pieces for little projects like that anymore. Wanted a few capacitors to take a shot at fixing some blown ones in a 24" monitor that's been sitting back in it's box for years now. Had to buy a kit online with about 200 of them to get the 2 different ones I needed. Little project to fill an evening one of these days. Now I have a nice new 27" LG so there's no rush.

I just did a quick google and a current limiting diode can limit current but in the milliamp range from 1 - 10ma, That transistor? in my circuit does that job I believe. Bit of a chore getting those but got a 10 pack for around $20 I believe it was.

Reddit link for what it's worth.

I'm not even an electrician but from my understanding a diode is basically just like a one-way flow valve for electricity and should have no effect on amperage flow. Had to scrounge a diode from older electrical junk. Got a bunch but trying to figure out which of them are silicon small signal diodes as required by the diagram was a head scratcher and not simple to find out about online. Now I can't find my desoldering wick.

My next step one of these days is to solder it all onto one of the assorted PCbs I bought. More head scratching. :) Just running it off the breadboard for now as you see in the pics I posted.

Sux you can't just go to Radio Shack and buy the various bits and pieces for little projects like that anymore. Wanted a few capacitors to take a shot at fixing some blown ones in a 24" monitor that's been sitting back in it's box for years now. Had to buy a kit online with about 200 of them to get the 2 different ones I needed. Little project to fill an evening one of these days. Now I have a nice new 27" LG so there's no rush.

I just did a quick google and a current limiting diode can limit current but in the milliamp range from 1 - 10ma, That transistor? in my circuit does that job I believe. Bit of a chore getting those but got a 10 pack for around $20 I believe it was.

Reddit link for what it's worth.

Nice, thanks, that schematic makes sense to me now, I think I was just looking at it high, I didn't realize that the lm334z or whatever is also a resistor. So to me it was looking like current was flowing through the opposite direction of the diode. I don't deal with that stuff, but glad I know what a diode is now, I think that's 1 I probably should have known. Good stuff, thanks again for the schematic, appreciate the knowledge.
Nice, thanks, that schematic makes sense to me now, I think I was just looking at it high, I didn't realize that the lm334z or whatever is also a resistor. So to me it was looking like current was flowing through the opposite direction of the diode. I don't deal with that stuff, but glad I know what a diode is now, I think that's 1 I probably should have known. Good stuff, thanks again for the schematic, appreciate the knowledge.

You're welcome but I can't take credit for the schematic. Just found it on the web while researching CS and grabbed a copy. Took me a long time to forage around for the parts before I could give it a go. I've never worked with breadboards but have repaired TVs and stuff as long as I can find the part that's fried or like capacitors bulging so I know that it's something needing replacing.

Got a good multimeter than can test capacitors, transistors, temperature probe and even track wires behind the walls. Does all sorts of stuff and was only around $40 off amazon . ca. Still haven't figured out if there's a switch somewhere to make the plug in the ceiling in the mud room work. Was a garage at one time and is there for the old automatic rollup door motor so should work somehow. Sold the door and opener to the neighbours dad for $400. Want that plug for a chest freezer so I don't have to use an extension cord that can get unplugged as happened and cause some fresh frozen pot to thaw and then go all mouldy. :(

Wish I'd done something like become an electrician or a millwright when I went back to school in my 30s and got a diploma in chemistry. Never made any decent money as a chemist staying legit but would be a lot better off with a trade. Had I known anything about computers in the 80s I could have taken computer science instead and had a cushy office job making tons of dough instead of freezing my ass off half the time driving water truck and others in the oil patch. Turns out I'm a computer junkie and most likely would have done pretty good.

How long have been an electrician? Like it?

That GBS sounds like a nightmare. At first I wasn't planning to get the vaccine but it was almost a year after they came out before we got any up here in northern Alberta and by then I decided any perceived risk from it was a lot less than my risks if I got Covid. In my late 60s now and have smoked cigs since I was 13 so have mild COPD. I've had something like chronic fatigue going on for 10 years with a lot of muscle and joint pain so have been very sedentary with resulting loss of muscle mass. Then there's the diverticulitis so lots of gut problems I'm hoping to get fixed eventually. Seeing a GI specialist early next month so will see what he has to say about it. I've had all the shots including the latest bivalent one all Moderna and never had a bad reaction from any. Even got a flu shot for the first time ever because this year's strain was pretty bad and it was included in this years shot so for the same reasons I got the Covid shots got that too. No reaction from it either.

I hope things keep getting better for you and you slide into a good job. Wearing good PPE for all that dust and crap I hope.

That GBS sounds like a nightmare. At first I wasn't planning to get the vaccine but it was almost a year after they came out before we got any up here in northern Alberta and by then I decided any perceived risk from it was a lot less than my risks if I got Covid. In my late 60s now and have smoked cigs since I was 13 so have mild COPD. I've had something like chronic fatigue going on for 10 years with a lot of muscle and joint pain so have been very sedentary with resulting loss of muscle mass. Then there's the diverticulitis so lots of gut problems I'm hoping to get fixed eventually. Seeing a GI specialist early next month so will see what he has to say about it. I've had all the shots including the latest bivalent one all Moderna and never had a bad reaction from any. Even got a flu shot for the first time ever because this year's strain was pretty bad and it was included in this years shot so for the same reasons I got the Covid shots got that too. No reaction from it either.

I hope things keep getting better for you and you slide into a good job. Wearing good PPE for all that dust and crap I hope.

Thanks for the kind reply. I got self conscious I over shared and deleted my post. Things are much better for me now, thank you. I hope you find relief for your ailments