Balloon co2


New Member
OK say I blow a big balloon up with air from my lungs and have a way to regulate it coming out of the balloon to my small closet would that be co2 my area is big enough for one plant I can regulate it to last about 3 hours or so until the balloon is flat better then nothing


Well-Known Member
Sorry but I am lmao. I seriously doubt that is enough CO2 to do anything. You could sit in the tent and breathe for five minutes and do the same thing. If you have intake air going in, you have enough CO2.


New Member
Ive thought a bout this alittle but i just started my seeds yesterday. But id like a very if not free solution to co2 and the balloon and tie a basket ball air needle to the opening not sure how long but id like to find a good way just to supplement with bb gun co2 cardriges because i live in a very wooded area and not sure how the co2 ppms are here.


Well-Known Member
Sugar water and yeast is prob a bett option and less expensive. But as I said, unless you have a totally sealed grow room it shouldn't be necessary.