Baksnaps Lil Garden


Active Member
So I have made my choice on strains... Sort of, a friend of mine is working on getting me some afgani bullryder seeds. I could imagine it wont be the easiest strain to grow for a first timer. Along with either the Afgani Bullryder or W.W. I'll be going with Endless Sky. I don't really know if they are gonna be all the hype there supposed to be, but we will soon find out.

I am making a sealed room with Co2, a/c, de-h20, soil beds w/ drip lines that will all be hooked up to a harvest master controller. My back is bad so if I can save a bit of labour all the better. Also I have back surgery lined up next year and want it to be as easy as possible when this happens. I think I'll have to shut down anyways at that time just because of the stairs even... let alone any bending and lifting. Thats another time and story. I can keep a few moms going upstairs somewhere till im up for it.

Anyways the room I have is a bedroom next door to a small downstairs bathroom. I want to make a sealed room with in that bedroom that will house my 2 lights and 2 beds with all the equipment to control the enviornment. In hopes that I can keep the room from exceeding dangerous temps with my a/c I will have a back up fan and or relay to shut down equipment and vent out of the room. I have read alot. Little things are still troubling me... I don't know how bad. Things like how I will design my filtration from the house outside with the least smell, keep negative pressure in room so smell is contained inside the bedroom, and a bit of the big wiring. As well how much wattage i will use... How hard and often the a/c will run/dehumidifier samething. Just stuff you dont really know untill the thing is running. Oh and also how to keep the flowering room sealed as much as possible. Anyways If any you guys think you can help with this style set up please feel free to help me. All your ideas and suggestions will be the final result in my room and I WILL keep a journal/pics the whole way for your time and effort. And hopefully my work will help out the next newb that stops in. The only thing that could change is strain (so hard to decide) and maybe just one light cause of power situations.

Hopefully I'll snag a few vets in my web and get the advice i need. Look forward to hearing your suggestions, designs, and stealing your knowledge :fire:


Active Member
Sorry guys.. Just in process of moving... Things will be starting durning xmas vacation-new years. I'll check in a few times till then. Enjoy the last month of the year.


Active Member

I think heat and venting is gonna be my HUGE problem here giving the design I am trying to utilize. Please need experienced help here.
My goal is to try and make a smell free sealed room in a basement bedroom that is 10x10'. The flower room will be a 5x10 room with in the bedroom itself. It will (hopefully) be a sealed room. 2 lights in vented shades. co2 burner, a/c (small as possible), dehumidifier, sulfer burner. Now in this tiny room within a room... Obvioulsy heat is gonna be my nemisis. Also I want to keep as much of that rank air in that room. I don't want my house or my basement even smelling like that. With no experience I don't know how effective these filters are at eliminating odor.

I guess to make it simple.. What would you do in design to meet my wishes. I know this is asking alot. I am really trying to avoid all the issues ahead of time. I will only get in a couple go's at first till my back surgery later next year.

So if you need anymore information on what I am doing please feel free to hammer the questions back of course.

I'll just run down my setup here for your info:
2 vented lights, I have a/c already... can i use it(model #ky-36(Forest Air))? co2 on propane, sulfer burner, dehumidifier, all running off harvest master control. As for fans and filters I will go with what is recommended by u guys(sizes, and numbers) Money is an issue here. I am buying nice stuff, but my goal is not to have to buy something else because what i bought already doesn't work or handle my setup.
10x10 bedroom with non-vented small full washroom next to it that seperates the room from the furnace room with the elec box. This basement doesnt have much room over head (in the roof) for much more than me to snake some wires across. I'm assuming thats why the bathroom is ventless. Modifications to the house have to be minimal. Anyway can I acomplish my goals or am I looking for gold at the end of a rainbow.

Please please help as the hamster in my head is really runnig that wheel hard. HE WON'T stop till I have the plans set and ready.

Thanks for your time:joint:


Active Member
Well I'm getting alittle more reluctant to do this. All the power it uses, heat and bs that you'll have to deal with. If I could grow enough to where it could give back more than a little smoke i would be much more inclined. it looks like more headaches than I'm ready for at this moment. Guess I'll go back to smoking local bought :(
Sorry for the hype but i dont' think this green thumb thing is all that easy as its cracked up to be.:peace: