

Well-Known Member
No im not talkin bout smokin baked lol. but seriously for the past couple days its been 102!! the plants are almost a foot tall and some of them are getting baked by the sun. i keep them wet all the time now since it statred happening. also put them in slight shade. anything else i could do?


Well-Known Member
There is something at the local garden shop that I was told to get that would probably help you too. I'm not exactly sure but its like potting soil with water absorbing crystals that absorb more water than regular soil and release it back into the ground when its feeling dry. I heard you could get it at Walmart or Lowes.


Well-Known Member
Incase you didn't get that, that would be miracle grow, I just went to the store and their are some off brand products that are similar but I went ahead with the MG.


Well-Known Member
well like i said im keepin them nice and wet now ever since i saw the baked leaves. damn wish they made some of that water crystals for people lol its fuckin HOOOOOT!!


Well-Known Member
that wont block them to much? people? what people, i live in the middle of fuckin no where lol
so do i and 102 is not a drama,(i get days of 120 or more and they tolerate that temp)stop spraying the leaves with water it will only add to the problem.
just keep the water up to the plant but dont forget to let it dry out a bit,dont want to kill them with over watering


Well-Known Member
I live in a jungle,sometimes the humidity is too much!!But most of the time its ideal.A dead end in the middle of nowhere.


Well-Known Member
wtf? sprayin leaves? im not, just watering with a watering can
now there is no need to get off you'r bike,

you said you were keeping them wet
now i have seen people say thay are keeping them wet and were spraying water on the plants during the heat of the day.
this is not good.

but as i said 102 is not a problem they can handle that easily.


Well-Known Member
I've been under the impression that, like tomatoes, these plants LOVE hot hot HOT weather.
and you would be correct.

my summers tend to have a lot of days over 120 deg and i give them full sun.

in pots they tend to wilt if the pot is a bit small but recover very well at night.
and you should never water during the heat of the day,that is bad.

I water late evening and they have always thrived:hump:


Well-Known Member
OOOO lol well i have been, kinda have to cuz theyre just in little peet pots right now and they tend to dry out kind quick. i dug the first hole in the yard today. its 3x3 and 15inches deep, lined with chicken wire, and bout 2.5 lbs of fish at the bottom, and filled with really good pottin soil. gonna transplant this wednesday cuz the roots are startin to come thru the bottom of the peet pots. any tips on transplanting? can i cut waya the peet or do i have to leave it?


Well-Known Member
Good to know, mine are potted as well and we can always expect at least a few days of 100F+ weather. :)