bagseed 3 weeks into flower


Active Member
ok so this is my lady, she grew a bit too much while i was sleeping and burnt her self a few times, but no biggie. I was wondering if i were to give her a bigger pot, would she want to grow taller again or would she just fill out her buds more? or if i left her in the current pot, would she stop filling out her buds cuz she stopped growing vertically, and i fear shes going to stop filling out. this is my first grow to make it to flower so any suggestions would be nice. oh yeah, shes 37 inches tall and if u guys wanna estimate what she might put out, like (20 or 30 grams maybe more?) its a 400w HPS on her vegged for 25 days, been flowering for 21.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt change pots once you flower you should do that before switching the light. Just keep flowering for another month or so and your plant should fill out some more.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
there lookin good , i wouldnt do a transplant now , it will only stress her and could send her hermie , allthough she would recover from being stresssed but its only going to add to your flowering time and the yeild difference will be minimal at this stage , id leave her where she is and take it as a lesson learned for next time


Active Member
Thanks for the replies, not gana transplant her then. We'll see how she turns out hopefully with in the next month or 2