BaG Seeds


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what "Headie" means but im getting better at code breaking,i think your meaning can bag seed turn out to be good weed,if that is what your asking then the answer is a resounding yes.

Dig this,if you were a commercial grower how would you select a strain to grow,you think about it for a minute & your answer would be,it has to have very large yeilds,it has to be very easy to grow,it has to be able to turn out to be kick ass weed if it finishes properly,this is how all of us choose what type weed to grow.Now going by the answers you gave its fair to say the grower put some thought into his seed stock before planting.

Now we understand that commercial growers use quality stock lets look at reasons why the weed the bag seeds came from might not be as "dank" as other weed,when these guys grow large plant numbers they are not allways in 100% control of when they harvest,lots of things like the weather,police,animals,pests,budd rott & weed rippers come into play,outdoor commercial growers are forced to harvest early alot of times & end up with less that world class smoke but they had no choice,the end result of the commercial weed has no bearing on the genetic ability within the seed in most cases.

Its long winded but know you know excdtly bag seeds can grow some of the best smoke you have ever had in your life,as long as the weed it came from was decent smoke then the chances are very high that the weed you end up with will be several times better than the weed the seed came from because you control not only the enviroment its grown in but the harvest point as well.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what "Headie" means but im getting better at code breaking,i think your meaning can bag seed turn out to be good weed,if that is what your asking then the answer is a resounding yes.

Dig this,if you were a commercial grower how would you select a strain to grow,you think about it for a minute & your answer would be,it has to have very large yeilds,it has to be very easy to grow,it has to be able to turn out to be kick ass weed if it finishes properly,this is how all of us choose what type weed to grow.Now going by the answers you gave its fair to say the grower put some thought into his seed stock before planting.

Now we understand that commercial growers use quality stock lets look at reasons why the weed the bag seeds came from might not be as "dank" as other weed,when these guys grow large plant numbers they are not allways in 100% control of when they harvest,lots of things like the weather,police,animals,pests,budd rott & weed rippers come into play,outdoor commercial growers are forced to harvest early alot of times & end up with less that world class smoke but they had no choice,the end result of the commercial weed has no bearing on the genetic ability within the seed in most cases.

Its long winded but know you know excdtly bag seeds can grow some of the best smoke you have ever had in your life,as long as the weed it came from was decent smoke then the chances are very high that the weed you end up with will be several times better than the weed the seed came from because you control not only the enviroment its grown in but the harvest point as well.
:clap: i love your wisdom panhead......:weed:


Well-Known Member
Okay cool thanks for the explanation. Is there a good height to let your plants get to before flowering?


Active Member
that is dependent of space, time, and variety. I started my flowering stage around 16" on my current project


New Member
Once again, very informative! Super + reps for the info bomb!

I have no idea what "Headie" means but im getting better at code breaking,i think your meaning can bag seed turn out to be good weed,if that is what your asking then the answer is a resounding yes.

Dig this,if you were a commercial grower how would you select a strain to grow,you think about it for a minute & your answer would be,it has to have very large yeilds,it has to be very easy to grow,it has to be able to turn out to be kick ass weed if it finishes properly,this is how all of us choose what type weed to grow.Now going by the answers you gave its fair to say the grower put some thought into his seed stock before planting.

Now we understand that commercial growers use quality stock lets look at reasons why the weed the bag seeds came from might not be as "dank" as other weed,when these guys grow large plant numbers they are not allways in 100% control of when they harvest,lots of things like the weather,police,animals,pests,budd rott & weed rippers come into play,outdoor commercial growers are forced to harvest early alot of times & end up with less that world class smoke but they had no choice,the end result of the commercial weed has no bearing on the genetic ability within the seed in most cases.

Its long winded but know you know excdtly bag seeds can grow some of the best smoke you have ever had in your life,as long as the weed it came from was decent smoke then the chances are very high that the weed you end up with will be several times better than the weed the seed came from because you control not only the enviroment its grown in but the harvest point as well.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
growing this bag seed strain for a couple grows... we call it fluffy muff it has light fruity smell with a energetic high... even when the crystals turn amber...


dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
that the hybrid has higher percentage of indica than sativa.... and has the similar growth structure of indica plant... short and squatted... rather than tall and lanky


New Member
Anyone ever grew seeds from "schwag" ( that awful compressed/stimmy/seedy/ commercial low grade weed that gives me a headache lol ) and gotten some dank smoke?
( I guess this was answered as "reg" is prolly another name for schwag )