Bag Seed vs. Amsterdam stuff


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine grew some stuff from bagseed.

The plants came out beautiful. There were thick delicious nugs.

however, he didn't cure them properly. After cutting them down, he placed them in a bag right away (without hanging them up to dry).

Now, when we smoke it, it doesn't do shit. Heck it doesn't even smell like real weed.

What's the deal?

Is it because it was bagseed? Must i get GOOD seeds from amsterdam or something??????? Or is it because the nugs weren't cured properly?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
lol, ppl here claim to have grown good bagseed and i believe them. i stick to genetics, but your buddies weed *was* fine until he decided to skip drying. he probably wanted to make as much $ as possible, so he tried bagging it & selling it wet. it probably molded and killed all the thc, dunno why he would bag it right after cutting - its obvious the shit is sopping wet, tell your buddy hes a moron for trying to rip people off - karma wouldnt allow it, so his weed was ruined. dont smoke anymore of that trash or you could very well either get sick or have health concerns - smoking mold isnt very easy on your lungs.

its pretty uncommon for ppl to just immediately bag it, unless they're an idiot or trying to rip ppl off by selling wet weed. so, your buddy is either an idiot or an asshole. either way, it was pretty dumb to not dry/cure it. do you have pics of the weed? im surprised its not BLACK from being bagged instantly.


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with bagseed at all. in fact if you get good bagseed, you can grow it out to sensimilla, thereby improving the quality. the potency is genetically determined, but the gardener can improve quality with good growing methods. i ask everyone i know who smokes to save any good bagseed. i grow it all out and some has been outstanding. in fact, NYC Diesel is a strain that was started by Soma, who got it from a rastafari in NY, who got it from bagseed. Hope this answers your question.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys... i appreciate your replies.

It was my theory that the problem is in the way it was cured... or lack thereof.

I mean they smelled great during the flowering process... immaculate!

but since he bagged em up right away, it lost it's smell and doesn't do what it's supposed to. what a waste.

My friend is salty because it took him so long to grow and now it doesn't do anything... a qp of crap ... rofl.

This taught me the IMPORTANCE of curing correctly.

Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
yes curing is the best way to do it, but you do not have to cure it to get good smoke, he could have at least dried the stuff. does your freind wear a helmet? because i have never seen or heard of someone who smokes throwing wet weed in a bag and thinking it is all good. he should know this since when he bought the bag the seeds came from the shit was dry. what makes him even think that he doesnt need to dry his harvest...this is unreal. late.


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with bagseed at all. in fact if you get good bagseed, you can grow it out to sensimilla, thereby improving the quality. the potency is genetically determined, but the gardener can improve quality with good growing methods. i ask everyone i know who smokes to save any good bagseed. i grow it all out and some has been outstanding. in fact, NYC Diesel is a strain that was started by Soma, who got it from a rastafari in NY, who got it from bagseed. Hope this answers your question.
correct. also, i want to clear up any confusion about diesel/sour d/nycd, look below for a minute and match everything up and itll make sense. just clarifying that most diesel isnt bagseed, but the only bad thing about bagseed is that it has the potential to hermie since it came from a plant that potentially hermied. i snagged this off google.

Original Diesel = (SensiNL X MassSuperSkunk) X Dawg/Chem
Sour Diesel = [(SensiNL X MassSuperSkunk) X Dawg/Chem] X DNL
Soma's NYCD = Diesel Bagseed (probably orig, not sour) X (Afghani X Hawaiian)
DNL = RFK X Hawaiian
RFK = NL X Shiva

so, basically..

Original Diesel = Dawg/Chem X (MassSuperSkunk X SensiNL)
Sour Diesel = Original Diesel X DNL


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine grew some stuff from bagseed.

The plants came out beautiful. There were thick delicious nugs.

however, he didn't cure them properly. After cutting them down, he placed them in a bag right away (without hanging them up to dry).

Now, when we smoke it, it doesn't do shit. Heck it doesn't even smell like real weed.

What's the deal?

Is it because it was bagseed? Must i get GOOD seeds from amsterdam or something??????? Or is it because the nugs weren't cured properly?

Thanks in advance.
How do you know that bag seed isnt from amsterdam seed? That "bagseed" could be anything, Maui Wowie, Ak, WW you name it.


Well-Known Member
the quick and easy answer is that bagseed can be great. keep all seeds, grow them, and see what comes out. the only drawback to bagseed is that what you got from the bag could be more potent because dealers sometimes add a little extra to the mix. but its not very common