Bag seed closet grow, need recomendations!


hey guys,

I currently have 6 seedlings that have been in sunlight for the past (first) week of their existence. I want to move them into my closet for security (nosy neighbors) reasons.

The closet is about 4.5' wide x 2' deep x 7' high.

I was wondering how can I build a CFL set up? I would much rather just buy a 2 or 4 tube FL shop light setup.

Any advice here? How much $$ am I looking at? What would I need to effectively grow about 6 plants.



Active Member
Hi you could hang 4ft tube down, 7 would fill the depth i think and place cfl's around them.
Im think 4 would be good to go with, cfl's arnt power full so you will need about 25 if you was to use 42w's one's so space will run out very quick


Well-Known Member
i dont think you really need 25 cfls in a closet, i think 8-12 would be enough. it may be easier and cheaper to get like two of those shop light if the wattage is high enough


Well-Known Member
AWWW MY GOOD BUDDY SMOKEY. well u needa check out ebay. cfl might get you threw veg but it is NOT sufficient for flowering. does not give the light penetration u need for some compact resinated buds. 150$ will get you a GREAT 400w hps light perfect for ur situation.
Ebay is a great place for supplys.


Well-Known Member
You could look into the T5 fluoros they sell for @ $40 fixture and all. 2 or 3 of those will do it for veg if you consider you may only get 3 females, unless feminised. Flowering is a different story.


Well-Known Member
Im currently using a 150w CFL for my grow. Working great for my 10 babies. I also have a 400w HPS/MH lamp for when they get a bit larger, and for flowering.


Hey guys,

I went out today and picked up 6 30w 5600k lights. I used 6 of those clamp style with the bowl reflectors and hung them over each plant. (already had a ton of those clamp styles). I am going to try to make due for now, but I am planning to buy a serious light to get down there (and use the CFLs as suplements). However I really don't have the $$ to blow on that now, but I should be able to get a 400w MH within 2 weeks for veg, and i guess ill need to pick up another down the road for flowering.

I will post pics in 30 min.

And my guess is that I will end up with 2 or 3 females as well (obviously...thanks statistics) but ya never know with my luck! (ill get 0, LOL). If I end up with a few, then I will probably end up doing a staggered growing/harvest pattern, regardless I will probably end up growing 2 plants as large as i can, and I can use the CFLs i have a supplements around the sides with the MH up above.


Here are some photos of the current set up.


I am going to get a white plastic tarp to hang around the room. I will also put an oscillating fan in tomorrow. Currently the lights range from 1"-2" from the plants. I will check on them tomorrow. Cheers



Well-Known Member
they kinda look a little strechy already, id put the lights a little closer. this will work for you for more than 2 weeks


they kinda look a little strechy already, id put the lights a little closer. this will work for you for more than 2 weeks
I hear you! I think the original stretchiness stems (pun intended) from leaving them out in the sun. They were certainly reaching for light. I have since lowered the fixture so each light is within 1"-2". I am also now looking into more powerful lights (400w MH..but that could be overkill?)

My goal is to be able to grow 2 plants from clone to harvest every 4 months (6 plants a year) that should create enough of a yield for personal use (if I calculated right!)

So this bagseed is good enough as an experiment. This winter however I will be picking up some nicer lighting equipment (if needed) and some better seeds (jack herrer, white widow, blueberry favorites!)


Well-Known Member
Its the same price as the 400mh/hps ... i recommend the 400 simply because its the same price and your nugs will grow bigger. Yet, the 250watt hps/mh that you have picked out will deffiantly do the job. Yes it will work but ide go with the 400 simply cause it is the same price and will do the job better.

EDIT: also you wouldnt need the cfls or any other lights if you got the 400watter .. What do you all think of that? I think this kit could really be 'it' for my purposes.



Its the same price as the 400mh/hps ... i recommend the 400 simply because its the same price and your nugs will grow bigger. Yet, the 250watt hps/mh that you have picked out will deffiantly do the job. Yes it will work but ide go with the 400 simply cause it is the same price and will do the job better.

EDIT: also you wouldnt need the cfls or any other lights if you got the 400watter ..

Yeah I hear you man. The 400 would be beast. I looked at the 400 after I posted last time, and saw it was about the same price, so 400 for sure. Are there any reviews about that particular unit? And where can I read more about what using that sort of system would require. (wiring/setup/exhaust?, cooling?)

I liked the idea of CFLs because they are pretty efficient in regards to not creating heat.