Bad Music Saves Boy's Life From vicious Wolf Attack

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Luckily for Walter Eikrem, it does not appear Norwegian wolves care for Creed.

The 13-year-old was walking home from the school bus stop in the town of Rakkestdad this week when he noticed something on the hillside near his family’s farmhouse, according to Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine.

At first he thought they were dogs, but he soon realized they were wolves – four of them – the magazine said, citing Norway’s TV2.

The boy, remembering that his mother had told him never to run from wolves, pulled the headphones out of his mobile phone and cranked up the volume on the tiny speakers.
He was listening to “Overcome” by Creed, an arguably Christian rock band, and apparently, the wolves were not fans.

(Initial reports indicated Walter shooed the wolves away with a Megadeth song, but the blog at Gibson guitars cleared up the confusion.)

“They just turned around and simply trotted away,” he told the TV station, according to Der Spiegel. “The worst thing you can do is run away because doing so just invites the wolves to chase you down ... but I was so afraid that I couldn't even run away if I'd wanted to.”

To be fair, Walter was yelling at the top of his lungs and wildly flailing his arms, so it’s tough to say exactly what made the wolves decide the boy might not be delicious.

His mother told the local paper that she was going to pick her son up from school because she knew there were wolves in the area, but she got carried away shopping, Der Spiegel reported. “I have a completely guilty conscience,” she said. “The previous evening, we saw three wolves on the edge of the forest when we were putting our horses in their stall. The horses were panicky.”

Um, thanks, mum? … Well, OK, scratch that. Perhaps sarcasm is a little harsh for the woman who taught young Walter never to run from wolves.


Well-Known Member
Don't think it was creed that made the wolfs go away, although it dose sounds plausible.
Just a little brave kid shouting his lungs out.


LOL dogs prollyed knew where there was someone with high drug and booze potent amount in his body close by so they said fuck this that guy down road i head got some LSD and they got fucked up insted


Well-Known Member
Wolf 1: Hell lets eat the noisy Fucker
Wolf 2: Hey his mom left him alone lets go for it
ALFA WOLF: Im for Chinese tonight fuck him.......lets go.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they heard it and thought he was constipated or dying so they wouldn't eat him....I sound like creed when i'm on the toilet with food poisening


Well-Known Member
lmao...he was screaming loudly and waving his arms while blaring creed...yup, creed seems most plausible...some people..i'm sure it was a combination of everything.

what a dumb bitch his mother is...yeah there are wolves running around, dont forget to pick up your kid!

thats one of the main reasons i love living in the michigan thumb, no deadly animals to worry about here.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
so crappy music CAN serve a purpose. maybe god was trying to give the kid a hint...i didn't even know 13 year olds had heard of creed.