Bad Genetics??


This is my first post and my first grow attempt ever. I have a little seedling about a week old that looks a little.. "off".

(1st picture is a couple days ago)

It's a bag seed Sour Diesel growing outside in Miracle Gro Potting Mix (heard its not the best but its all i have atm), watered when the soil is dry, and kept under glass to protect from heavy rain.

Is there anything I need to worry about? Does the seed have bad genetics? Could this be caused from mis-handling the root tip during germination?

Here is another one from the same bag that seems to be doing okay.



Active Member
first one looks more sativa than the other...other than that i dont really see anything off those first true leaves sometimes looks a little odd


Well-Known Member
Looks fine..give them time to start establishing a strong root system and you will start to see real growth. Don't over water.

Dennis Stein

Active Member
"kept under glass to protect from heavy rain". I would stake them up if I was afraid of the upcoming monsoons. That glass may be acting like a magnifying glass also. Plants outside can really benefit from a good rain...don't treat the rain likes it's your enemy...she could be your plants best friend. ;)

I would definitely find some miracle grow threads also and find out what peeps are mixing with it. That stuff was awfully compact last time I bought a bag of it and ending up just using it as an amendment to get rid of it...(like 20% of my total mix). Who knows what the pH of that stuff is right out of the bag...I'm assuming way lower than what we desire.

Don't skimp out on your soil. You get out what you put into it. A good soil mix and you won half the battle. Master your waterings and you're home free.