Bad Effects


New Member
Ive been smokin for 4 or 5 years but lately Ive been having some bad effects from smokin weed. Today I smoked a blunt with my friend and I had some bad effects from it. I started to panic and get paranoid, and my heart was racing and pounding hard. I also thought I was gonna die a couple times and I started to get really dehydrated and couldnt breathe, the effects lasted for about a hour. The stuff I smoked today was pretty strong but I still dont think it should have those bad effects. I have anxiety a lot but I dont know if that has anything to do with it.

I was wonderin if anyone else has ever had bad effects like those from smokin weed. Also I was wonderin if theres any way to stop those bad effects from ruining my high. I love smokin weed but lately the bad effects outweigh the good effects by a lot.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you finally got a hold of some good bud.

Or maybe you were stressing before smoking....making it worse (never happened to me...the stonier the better).


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro, I got the same problems. I get anxiety like a bitch. People like us need to stay away from sativas. In some instances they're OK but sometimes they can make your heart and brain start racing. Indicas have the opposite effect usually. I just started growing some blueberry and WW, I'm hoping they will do the trick. I also want to order romulan, I read somewhere that it is the best strain for anxiety.

You should try growing your own and only grow knock-out indicas and I would bet u would be cured. I'll let u know how it works for me.


shawarma king
Sounds like a panic attack, and you'll likely have them when your not high as well.

I'm an idiot, but I've long forgotten why panic attacks were bad? Isn't it interesting that some people can walk around this life and find nothing to panic about--are they fucking veggies? Like those who smile all the gd time, annoying. In short, get over it, nobody ever died from a panic attack--i love saying that, next time you have one you'll be like, maybe i'll be the first? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Further, learn to recognize what is really happening--you're in a panic (your not fucking dying), it's a left over trait from the days when you're great grand monkey pappy had to decide to fight or flee; heart speeds up, limbs can become numb (u don't want to feel it when the saber tooth rips your little monkey limbs off), bowls loosen (nobody wants to eat a monkey that just shit himself), can be dizzy (u have a boat load of energy and your just standing there...), basically your brain is screaming there is a serious threat but your senses can't find it! No shit you feel goofy. Ha ha ha, but damn it man, you're not going to die from a panic attack.

Actually go see a therapist, maybe you ARE crazy...and their medication is legal, ha ha ha ha ha ha


New Member
I have pretty bad anxiety and I had a couple panic attacks (while sober) a couple years ago but they all happened in 1 month and I havent had one since. I am not worried about dying most the time becuz Ive been to the doctor and got checked out and he said I was very healthy physically. Ill try to get some indicas and Romulan like he said.


Well-Known Member
i'd go with what iblazethatkush said.
stay away from sativas and see how indicas treats ya

indica > sativa ! :blsmoke:


New Member
Can u order Romulan strain seeds off the internet? Do u know any other good strains that reduce anxiety? What is the main difference between Indicas and Sativas. Ive heard it a lot of times but i forgot whats the differences are.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can order Romulan off the internet. Just google it or ask the fine ppl here where they ordered there's. So this is how it goes Sativa=Mental high, can cause your mind to start racing. Indica= Body high, helps to lessen anxiety b/c it's more of a 'stupid' high, where u quit thinking so much. Also any of the Kushes or White Widow are good for anxiety.


Well-Known Member
Aside from the immediate effects from smoking, I personally have felt the sting of Chronic Memory Loss. I've been smoking regularly for years-the past five years pretty much daily. Aside from constantly getting up to get something and forgetting what I'm looking for before I get out of the room, lately I've been having trouble "seeing" objects. For example, if there is a cluttered table, and I'm looking for my keys, and they are sitting right there behind the mail, I just somehow skip over them the first few times.
It doesn't happen too often, but more often as of late.
Anybody else have memory issues or strange things going on with your brain?
Just wondering.


shawarma king
Aside from the immediate effects from smoking, I personally have felt the sting of Chronic Memory Loss. I've been smoking regularly for years-the past five years pretty much daily. Aside from constantly getting up to get something and forgetting what I'm looking for before I get out of the room, lately I've been having trouble "seeing" objects. For example, if there is a cluttered table, and I'm looking for my keys, and they are sitting right there behind the mail, I just somehow skip over them the first few times.
It doesn't happen too often, but more often as of late.
Anybody else have memory issues or strange things going on with your brain?
Just wondering.
--you're joking right? :mrgreen:

and you think these "symptoms" are directly related to marijuana....why?

because nobody you know who doesn't smoke does the same thing, or as regularly as you?

just for fun, consider that stress causes the same "symptoms" in your post...and so does being human, and thats a fucking tough one to avoid eh?

Karen Tandy
looks over her keys, and forgets why she left a room...somebody put that on a t-shirt, please


Well-Known Member
Marijuana will increase whatever mood your in before your high, try smoking a small amount when your relaxed and calm like a day off while your taking a shit or something and see if the effects

Foreal though I had a friend who had the same problem and smoked when he knew he was relaxed and calm and was fine.....


Well-Known Member
I agree with the other posts...yes i read them dammit......this might be linked to something going on in your life. Maybe you are having a panic attack because you are doing something illegal that can change your whole life if you get caught.

Did that help? LOL

Just kiddin with ya.

Ive been smokin for 4 or 5 years but lately Ive been having some bad effects from smokin weed. Today I smoked a blunt with my friend and I had some bad effects from it. I started to panic and get paranoid, and my heart was racing and pounding hard. I also thought I was gonna die a couple times and I started to get really dehydrated and couldnt breathe, the effects lasted for about a hour. The stuff I smoked today was pretty strong but I still dont think it should have those bad effects. I have anxiety a lot but I dont know if that has anything to do with it.

I was wonderin if anyone else has ever had bad effects like those from smokin weed. Also I was wonderin if theres any way to stop those bad effects from ruining my high. I love smokin weed but lately the bad effects outweigh the good effects by a lot.


New Member
I could stop but I have even worse effects when i stop smokin for a long time. I smoked this strain 1 time that made almost all my anxiety go away and made everything I did fun and my heart only increased a little bit, it was some kind of kush. I never know the exact strain that im smokin though since I dont grow, I just know the quality of the weed. I have smoked before when Im relaxed and calm and I m fine most the time. But its hard for me to get relaxed becuz of my situations and trying to not get caught. I still have some of that strong weed left im gonna try to just take 3 hits when im stressed, stop and see how it goes.

About what unclesunny said, u cant blame some bad symptoms on weed. I used to think the same way until i realized that I already had all of those symptoms before I started smokin. I have really good longterm memory and my short term memory is only a little effected by weed.


Well-Known Member
About what unclesunny said, u cant blame some bad symptoms on weed. I used to think the same way until i realized that I already had all of those symptoms before I started smokin. I have really good longterm memory and my short term memory is only a little effected by weed.

Perhaps it works differently on different people, but this idea that Marijuana doesn't really affect the memory is a bit ridiculous to me. Sorry folks, just saying, I've been smoking for two decades and I've watched a lot of people besides myself start to slip. I'm not saying that it's intense memory loss, or it's a serious thing, but if you all really think Marijuana doesn't affect your mind, you have been smoking WAY too much pot.


New Member
i say what ever you think wen ur high just think good thoughts n u should b fine and if it keeps happenin smoke sumwer wer nothing bad can happen n u should b relaxed


Well-Known Member
The power of the brain is drastically underrated! You have to be able to get a grip, even if you're in a trippy high. Find an anchor, or something that can remind you that it's just weed and those feelings are temporary... It's like when you are in a roller coaster. As soon as you're starting to drop you might feel a little "oh no... this is a bad idea", but at the same time you tell yourself, fuck it. This thing is on rails and it does this every fucking day. The chances of me dying here are lower than dying from falling down a flight of stairs!
Remember, just take deep breaths, and focus on the fact that this is TEMPORARY. If you feel the symptoms of a panic attack, panicking about it is not going to help. Remember it's in your head, and just like your brain unconsciously ordered your body to freak out, you can consciously order it to get a fucking grip!
hope this helps. I've never had a problem not being able to control the high. i can be couchlocked about to pass out, but if there's something that I need to do or want to do, i'll tell my self to get the fuck up and do it and not be another stereotype "pothead". Fuck that shit, weed reveals you to yourself! Shit in, shit out, weed isn't going to change that. If you're straight and feel like you're meant to accomplish something great, then even if you smoke pot, it shouldn't deviate you from your goal!
The best thing we can do to win this "drug war" is show that weed isn't the problem, it's people! Let's show them we can be doctors and lawyers, presidents or janitors, athletes or couch potatoes, etc...


Well-Known Member
About what unclesunny said, u cant blame some bad symptoms on weed. I used to think the same way until i realized that I already had all of those symptoms before I started smokin. I have really good longterm memory and my short term memory is only a little effected by weed.

Perhaps it works differently on different people, but this idea that Marijuana doesn't really affect the memory is a bit ridiculous to me. Sorry folks, just saying, I've been smoking for two decades and I've watched a lot of people besides myself start to slip. I'm not saying that it's intense memory loss, or it's a serious thing, but if you all really think Marijuana doesn't affect your mind, you have been smoking WAY too much pot.
after 30 days of chronic use, and I mean /chronic/ use, your memory problems disappear.

there's a research study they did in rats that confirms this as well. I'll bring it out if debate further calls for it.

besides, if you just think logically here, cannabis encourages brain cell growth in areas of the brain involved with memory, speaking, reading, higher thinking, and more. there's no such actual memory loss happening here. the ONLY THING that could possibly happening here is short term memory interference, not even close to the same as memory loss.


Well-Known Member
the ONLY THING that could possibly happening here is short term memory interference, not even close to the same as memory loss.
And the problem isn't loss of memory, it's that you are stoned and finding it harder to consciously FOCUS and PAY ATTENTION to things. Just like when you are drunk and someone is trying to have you remember sets of numbers... Umm.. yeah... good luck with that. Except with weed, this is only true for the novice smoker. I've found it that I can actually use cannabis to focus better by reducing my stress level when studying. I am currently a Grad student studying for one of the most important exams of my life, and I often find that I get stuck on a problem and the more I try to figure out how they solved it, the more stressed I get about the upcoming exam... There's where Mary comes in bongsmilie Pack a bowl, toke, close eyes, take deep breath, and remember that "every little thing... is gonna be alright" (to bob marley rhythm). Then I think to myself, stressing isn't going to help. If I stress, I'll lose a lot of time that I don't have and eventually, I'm gonna realize that I have to stop thinking about stress, and start doing just one problem at a time. And viola! I go back to studying. Instead of wasting a whole afternoon freaking out about how I'm never going to be ready, I spend 5-10 min relaxing and ultimately getting back to work a lot quicker.

I believe that cannabis affects different people in different ways. However, at its core, cannabis is a beautiful thing. It's truly amazing and it can be used for great good, or it can be wasted as an unproductive "pothead" addiction. However it is the Human that decides. Cannabis is a tool. Let's use it for productive means!