Bad Credit


Well-Known Member
pay off your old debts, cut up your credit cards and get a cheap cell phone plan. cell phones go towards your credit rating. getting your credit back on track is A LOT harder than ruining it. gonna take a while to get your credit up. once you get enough good credit to get another credit card with out an insane interest then you spend like half your limit and pay the monthly minimum only until it's payed off, then repeat. don't pay it all off at once or it wont count towards your credit.

don't live above your means. that's what's wrong with this country, people want to live better than they can afford to. There is nothing wrong with living an a studio apartment, and not having cable tv or an SUV.


Well-Known Member
pay off your old debts, cut up your credit cards and get a cheap cell phone plan. cell phones go towards your credit rating. getting your credit back on track is A LOT harder than ruining it. gonna take a while to get your credit up. once you get enough good credit to get another credit card with out an insane interest then you spend like half your limit and pay the monthly minimum only until it's payed off, then repeat. don't pay it all off at once or it wont count towards your credit.

don't live above your means. that's what's wrong with this country, people want to live better than they can afford to. There is nothing wrong with living an a studio apartment, and not having cable tv or an SUV.
^^^ bad advise, cell phone wont help your credit but will hurt it if you don't pay bill,
The credit card idea is good but the thing about 50% and only paying the minimum was bad, = only use it for 15% of the max and pay it off in full each month it won't cost you anything and will raise your credit score.


Well-Known Member
id say the phone plans are what got me in trouble in the first place.. the application was for a cc... shits bullshit.


Well-Known Member
if you don't pay your bills, it doesn't matter what route you go. But cell phone companies do report to crediting agencies. That's how I got my credit up when I was 18. I got a cell phone plan that reports to crediting agencies and I paid my bills... on time at that. Once again, if you don't pay your bills then it's only going to hurt you.


Well-Known Member
^^^ bad advise, cell phone wont help your credit but will hurt it if you don't pay bill,
The credit card idea is good but the thing about 50% and only paying the minimum was bad, = only use it for 15% of the max and pay it off in full each month it won't cost you anything and will raise your credit score.
Pretty much this.

Your credit rating is 35% about your payments and if they're on time and shit, 15% is how much of your available credit you usually use (20% or lower is recomended like Beardo said) and then part of it goes towards how big your credit limit actually is... Credit cards are known as revolving debt and then mortgages and cars, etc go into another catagory and they contribute towards/against your score as well; length of credit history matters too, but I can't remember how much exactly...

One thing about if you have bad credit due to previous late payments, etc is that your recent history counts more than your more long term history so if you start taking care of your credit it can and will eventually make it's way upwards.

Managing your revolving debt is the best way to get your score up IMO. Using this strategy my credit score has gone up an average of 10 points every quarter except for one ever since I got my first and only credit card... My short credit history seems to be my main roadblock ATM as I'm young.


Well-Known Member
You are entitled to a free annual credit report from each of the three major reporting agencies. You should get that and then see exactly what you look like to creditors and if there is anything negative that you DON'T know about.


Well-Known Member
ive been thinking about going bankrupt.. 5 years of no credit doesnt really urk me too much since i got no credit anyway.. and im fairly young.. so ive got a bit of time

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
As a man who used to deny or approve credit in the Millions. We have a saying: " That's the Fucking you get for the Fucking you have done!"
As the interest rate would be offered at the highest legal rate available. If you have micky mouse credit lines bad like Gym memberships and Video store crap. You will have to wait at least one year of not fucking someone who trusted you with credit.
Like you Utilities should be paid on time and rent. Then after a year of paying on time you can drag your balls across broken glass and write a letter to whom it may concern, I have seen the woes of my ways. Here is the proof of my new attitude provide rent and utilities paid on time if not early.
Then you should be on the job or in the same field for 2 years. Not 21 months at the old job and 90 days on the new one. No stability. If all of those things are doable.
Go to a car dealer and grab a 24 month auto lease. Pay on time and realize that it is a short time to rebuild your credit and that it is not the last car you will buy. When the lease is term or done you can turn it on time with all payments made on time and that 15000 dollar car you paid 6500 on will show as a 15000 paid satisfied. FORD credit will buy you the easiest. But you will need 10 percent to get done.
If you want to do it like a lot of one time or two time car buyers do (who think they got it mastered) you can scrape together 30 percent on a 7000 dollar car and finance the rest for 48 months at a high rate and have a 2000 dollar car at the end with a baby small loan paid satisfied.
But if your attitude and history is any reflection of what you will do at 36 months when the car needs tires and brakes, you will skip you payment and do the maintenance because it benefits you direct and fuck the guy you promised to pay on time. Then you have started it all over again. Hence a short term lease to get better credit and then you pick a nice ride that will last the term of a longer finance term.
But a credit card of 2000 will get you a rental car and as far as financing goes it is Middle class slavery. A 2000 credit card can be gotten by getting a 500 dollar guaranteed card and building it up. I call it a Massa Card...
If you want to buy a house, I would recommend saving for at least 5 years of about 2500 a month and see how that feels as that is what it is to buy a house, even a cheap one after Property tax plumbers and roofers are figured in. My house was 7000 a month. My credit is 820. I do know what I am sharing with you. I had 4 at once with 2 million in revolving real estate on my credit lines with a 75000 dollar car too. There were times I would write a 13,000 dollar check to the County for property tax every 6 months along with 15000 to the Feds and 5000 to the state every 90 days for est 1099 income.
Now I rent, car is paid off cash and I have a little stack of money and plan to never buy again. Well, not finance cash only.
I got my eye on this place out of the USA. No more Mr Cali to bilk for taxes and pump for interest. But I am almost 50 and am moving into the Fall of my life which may be a quick one at that.
12 years in Banking! Thanks to wallstreet greed they tanked my whole business...Thanks though it prompted me to go forward with yet another one of my Entrepreneur ideas and it is working out. I do know Credit though.


Well-Known Member
its your responsibility to pay what you owe.
:roll: You mean like the banks did? Bullshit. Only the consumers are expected to pay what they owe, The ones that can afford to (banks) did nothing of the sort. They straight up got bailed out for it, and continued business as usual.