Backorder's a bitch

I figured since I don't trust anyone I know with my grow i'd vent a little to you guys...

Anyways, I ordered some equipment and was told my reflector was going to be put on backorder, I figured "ok, just ship it when it's in stock" Then today I get my package. I start to realize that it's not all there, and I look at the reciept.
they backordered my ballast and light's also!:cuss:but they didn't even call me to ask if i wanted it, thats what really peeved me

I know it's not that big of a deal and I'm just pissed because I want to start my own damn grow already haha:D
but I mean c'mon, they should at least tell me that so I can order something in stock or just go to another store, those bastards

worse things could be happening, so i guess it's not too bad- but still.....


bud bootlegger
man that is beat, and i'd be a lil pissed to.. they take your money with no problems, but then they don't communicate very well after that, that is what pisses me off as well..
you'd think that they may have contacted you and said that blah blah blah was out of stock, but we have blu blu blu in stock, would you like to get the blu blu blu instead of blah blah blah, and we'll even give it to you at a discount for your aggravation.. now, that's what a good store would have done for sure..
i've got to ask now, what store did you order all of this shit from m8?
yeah man it sucks, gotta do everything online. yeah, and that just makes problems take even longer because it's all phone calls and emails and shipping can get expensive.

Edit: I got it from better grow hydro

benny blanco

Active Member
Better grow is a really cool store though. I go there all the time. The staff is nice as hell. I never ordered from them though