back to veg after 10 days


Active Member
right heres the thing,
i had 4 plants vegging in one of my boxes with a 250w hps i put them to flower and 3 turned out to be males(gutted), so now i only have the one female flowering,
but in my other box i have 5 feminized church seedlings vegging but only under cfls and they growing shit slow compared to vegging under hps.
my question is can i put the female plant back into veg, it has been on 12/12 for 10 days and has pistols showing, then i can flower the whole lot wen the church seedlings are ready in say a month.

wat u fink


Well-Known Member
yes you can. it will take a few weeks to revert back to veg but since you plan about a month......
the only problem I see is 1 large plant w/ several smaller ones-getting light to all
or you could cut it down and make as many clones as possible, put them w/ the seedlings & veg till ready


Active Member
well wat i wud av done is put them up on something to get the seedlings higher and closer to the light.

i wa thinking bout cloning it and doing them all together, but i was under the inpression that it was better to take clones before plant goes to flower,

but wud this be fine or wat, is it ok to clone a flowering plant?