Back to basics with REGULAR seeds.

Get on all just wanted to get some opinions and/or advice on the best way to grow a regular crop without using feminised seeds or cloning.......

(dimensions) 110 cm x 55 cm
1 x 400 w mh
1 x 5 inch extractor
1 x oscilating fan

My plan is to plant 10 seeds, 8 will go straight into 6 1/2 litre airpots (soil) and 2 will go into pete discs as backup, when theese pop there first leaves ill put them under the mh in the veg cupboard and move the light about a metre away so as not to scorch em, here they will stay for about 4 weeks (adjusting they light closer to them when ready) at this point from my experience with seed growing they should be quite a descent size with at least 10 sets of branches but usually theese branches have not reached a-symetric internode stage.
The 8 plants then go into the flowering room.


1 x 120 secret jardin grow tent
(dimensions) 1.2 metres wide 1.2 metres long 2 metres tall
2 x 400 w hps lights
2 x 5 inch extractors with filters (needed running two lights)
1 x oscilating fan

After about 2 weeks or so the 8 plants would hopefully be showing sex and 2 males would be removed to another area, the rest culled, this is where the unpredictability of regular seeds comes in, the female to male ratio could be as little as 0-8 or as high as 8-0 and anywhere inbetween, when the plants had been in the flowering room for about 5 weeks i would pop another batch of seeds in, obviously this would depend on how many females were currently flowering (less space in flowering room, less seeds planted) again a 4 week veg for theese plant then into the flowering room, a crop could be harvested this way every 4 and a half weeks.

(note) I am using 2 landrace indica seeds, pakistani valley and brazilian amozonia the reason for keeping a male from each of theese the first time round is that i intend to pollinate a branch or two of each of the two breeds with the opposing strains pollen this way i should get some descent f1 seeds for futre grows, i currently have enough seeds to do 2 batches but unless i pollinate some of the first crop i wont have any seeds to start the third batch due to the shcedule, i know theres alot more to good breeding than that but the amount of seeds i will get through means ill be spending severe cash , plus i like a bit of variety with weed dont get me wrong clones are ideal for most but the idea of having the same weed day in day out isnt for me, also the clones ive grown even given a good veg never have the same trunk size or root ball mass compared to plants grown from scratch, or yeild for that matter just my experience though, so there it is anyone doing similar things let me know how it turns out for you, cheeers