Back from B.C.


Active Member
So i'm back from my raod trip to B.C. and i gotta say 2 things , vancuver i love ya. But Fuck Canadian D.U.I. laws. Anyways, So i picked up some seeds ( Blue moon rocks & OG Kush+Blue Satt. yummy!) and am ready to get rollin on the next grow. But I got afew questions bout how i'm gonna grow em.
This gonna be my first hydro grow , so i'm really thinking bout my tried and true method of starting the seeds in good'ol fashioned soil for the parent plants. Gonna hopefully keep afew moms in veg while i harvest some pollen for later. I Want to get about four male plantes cloned and grown up for this purpose. ( i plan on doing alot of cross breeding later on with the plants i have already.) When i'm done with the males and ready for the females. I want to do a combo LST and Scrog grow if i can.
Wanted to start training the clones a.s.a.p for horizontal growth. i have read alot about lst and seen alot of picks and really i dont need something as extream. i just want to get the plants spreading out as much as possible before they go under the screen.
I plan on haveing the screen 8"-10" above the plants. would like to have the youngsters as wide as i can before the hit that screen and i start traing em to fill it in. Was thinking something along these lines before i let them go Vertical.Not as wide but just as bushy. Gonna have them in 6" grow cubes when they go under the screen.

So My questions are ..
1. Do ya think it'll work ?
2. Is it worth it ? Should i take the time to train em , or should i just let them grow up to the screen then train ?