Back after a few years


Hey guys, I used to be a regular here a few years back. I grew a lot of DWC and had a lot of success. I've since shut down the grow and sold the house and have moved to the country to retire. I've got the gear laid out and will be starting another grow soon.

I started out with bag-seeds, then started purchasing seeds (had some Greenhouse Seeds Chemdog that was totally narcotic). Ended up growing several batches of automatics. I liked the fact that I didn't have to have separate Veg and Bloom tents to grow. I just rotate the stock out under LED lighting and grow plenty for my personal needs. I still have some HPS lamps but really don't plan to use them anymore. I've got about 6 300w LED grow lamps and that seems adequate for my setup.

I'm mainly back to see what's changed in the last 3-4 years. Probably more interested in LED technology advances in addition to nutrients. I've been using AN Sensi-Grow and Bloom in 48 qt. coolers, I'd grow two plants in each cooler. It worked well and easy for me to maintain.

I just received a pack of 20 Skittles Autoflower seeds and can't wait to give them a go.
Hey man, thanks for the reply. I started out with spiral 68w lamps with reflectors and some T5 lights. Then I got a 450 HPS and started adding those early LED UFOs that were popular back in the day. I finally decided to move on from HPS and all LED after fighting the heat and power consumption of the HPS system. Loved the results but HPS generates too much heat for my liking.

I found that the standard 300w LED's typically consumed around 130w avg. and I'd rather have 3 or 4 of these using around the same amount of electricity as a single HPS. I'd have two or 3 over head and at least two on the sides facing inward to light the middle and lower parts of the plants.
That really helped the smaller popcorn buds near the bottom of the plant.

I trust and hope you have as good as luck as I've had making the addition then transition from HPS to LED.
thanks Barnbuster, feels good to be back. This forum in particular seemed to have a better group of guys here than other forums.

I smooth forgot my old handle here so I just started over, seemed easier lol.