Baby Purple Kush, need some advice Please


Active Member
Hey RIU ! I have 4 Purple Kush Seedlings currently doing their thing but one is a little droopy on the first set of leaves. Can you look at these photo's and let me know if there is anything I should be worrying about. They all seem to be developing well.
They are 8 days from being put in the ground so 7 days since they broke through the soil. Sitting under 6 X 26W CFL's and temps are constantly between 75 and about 82 degrees. Organic soilless grow medium with bat guano and I think fish meal. Mixed in perlite and they have been given nothing but PH's water every second to third day. I have misted them all a couple of times. This one seems to be the only one who's first set of leaves aren't standing straight out.
Any comments or suggestions welcomed and if I am just being "newbienoid" then I would like to know that too :)
Peace :peace:



Active Member
IMO your being a little paranoid (like most of us are with our babies:leaf: )
but also could just be the runt of the litter, just keep an eye on it but im sure it will be fine.
Maybe you should put it closer to the lights.. " she " may perk up.. I don't see any sign of over or under watering really. Maybe it's not getting as much light as the other due to placement of the pot. Lol who know's maybe it is the runt!