AZDHS spending MMJ Money


Active Member
Wow, what a surprise, more government waste.

$200,000 to UofA to tell us that there is no evidence MMJ helps with PTSD. What a joke.

Will Humble has GOT to go.


Well-Known Member
At least the money is going towards state education. As much as we all want this asshole out he won by 75% last election. How many of you are registered to vote? Now is the time to get that straightened out. Our state is one of the worst when it comes to preventing people to vote so try and make sure you are registered in the next month to ensure no complications come November.


Well-Known Member
Irieie is right! If you are not voting = you are part of the problem. Furthermore, if you don't vote, you don't get to bitch.


Active Member
Voter education is #1 importance, the majority is rarely right. The majority is controlled by whatever they get from the media. Telling an uneducated voter to go out to the polls to vote, can be awfully counterproductive if they are watching the wrong TV shows.


Active Member
I like the Idea of auditors for disp myself alot.
That means alot of Disp will close down cause they will not be able to up charge anyone and will be forced to keep prices low and will mean a waste of time for those thinking they will make alota cash fast.
Hip hip horay for something right.